Haha this is funny because rui's been so misquoted. He said bands playing chinese originals not chinese bands. Gosh, and even then, as a gig organiser i think he has the freedom to choose which bands to accept and not to accept. I mean, there was even a case in america some years back that a white woman was persecuted in court for refusing to let a black woman be her roommate. It's a joke really, that we can't choose things that are supposed to be at our discretion. I'm not saying that she's not racist, she might very well be, and that's not a good thing, but to take her to court over such an issue is just an indication of how shuttered our freedom has become. The white woman is not infringing or denying the black woman any of her rights in technicality, and for pete's sake, the reason for which she denies the black woman the roommate deal should be her own business. Rui is just trying to achieve some consistency in his mandarin events, and there are so many gigs out there, go and find la.