excess string length

there's a special pliers available (i noe swee lee sims drive stocks them) that sometimes come together with tuning peg winders designed to cut off this extra length of string.. or you can do like me and keep bending the strings back and forth until they break off cleanly! takes some experience to make it a clean nice break tho :p
u can try buying the wire cutter with the peg at swee lee. You can also go to a near hardware shop and buy a wire cutter.

Uncle! you got wire cutter?.

Be careful when cutting the excess string. Snip it of quickly ,dun snip slowly, it will give a nice smooth end.
How much? for wat? wire cutter? Swee lee's im not sure how much. Hardware shop can get around $5+

almondx:bending forward n backward 4 all the strings?i dont find it quite possible for the lower strings...wat gauge u use?
haha. i know some people who refuse to snip off the string ends.. they suddenly losetheir tone if they do, don't know how true that is la... :roll:
scissors? ur scissors will spoil and the cut will sharp. can b dangerous. i got cut b4 for not cutting the end smoothly. just invest on a wire cutter, it will b worth
yes, and summore these copper wire cutters says clearly on the package: "DO NOT USE ON STEEL WIRES"

LOL! they stilll work like charms though....
haaha i dont cut my strings...i wind the excess into a circle..loop it round and round... haha...so when break, just untie the circle and restring!
baobaojon said:
haaha i dont cut my strings...i wind the excess into a circle..loop it round and round... haha...so when break, just untie the circle and restring!

Same ...~!~!
especially useful if you dun have a spare set of strings around ...~

but i remember reading in some book BB King doesnt cut his strings ....
in fact he winds them all round (wonder how he does dat on the low E string), says it gives better tone and stays in tune better.
duno true anot ~
haha i using gauge 0.10 strings for 1E.. lower gauge? referring to the thicker wound ones i suppose? they break off more easily than the thin ones! realli haf to try for urself to believe heh!
the thinner plain strings are the most difficult.. because they juz bend and refuse to break.. very malleable! in a way this reflects the quality of the strings too actualli =p

those hardware shop cutters good arh? becoz i find their tips very cubersome.. scared scarr my headstock.. so best is to get those specially for cutting guitar strings.. $5-10 can get wan le lah =) juz tt i lazy buy then always throw my things here and there cant find.. haha!
baobaojon said:
haaha i dont cut my strings...i wind the excess into a circle..loop it round and round... haha...so when break, just untie the circle and restring!

tt's wat i do too!i saw my fren did tt on his acoustic n i followed..hehe...
but it looks ugly on an electric guitar with 6 tuners at 1 side(u kno,strat-type headstock)...
bin4christ said:
tt's wat i do too!i saw my fren did tt on his acoustic n i followed..hehe...
but it looks ugly on an electric guitar with 6 tuners at 1 side(u kno,strat-type headstock)...

not if you make the circles real small...
maybe it's coz i'm a neat freak, but it looks ok when done right ...

to make it look neat:
dont "twirl" the excess before u tune ur guitar ..
tune up ... stretch the string abit ...
tune again ...
pull the excess at a right angle to the headstock ..
den make small "twirls" such dat the "twirls" wont touch each other when you tune ..

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