SOLD EVH 5150III 50-watt Guitar Tube Amplifier - $1000

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Selling an EVH 5150III 50-watt tube amplifier. This thing positively slays, a wonderful head that can keep up on any stage bar the very largest.

In great condition, tubes all working well and no scratchy sounds when turning knobs. Sound is crushing, so brutal that guys like Bulb of Periphery can play djent on them (check out his YouTube video).

This is also the perfect amp for Van Halen sounds. Oh and skull crushing metal sounds, just check out what albums this has been used on.

Can handle 4, 8 and 16 watt cabs and at some impedance levels, can punish two cabs at once.

Comes with footswitch, but unlike the larger version, this also can be controlled by midi.

Please note that this amplifier costs $1599 new before making offers.

Testing available for serious buyers, but bring your own guitar. Whatsapp on Eight 1 three 2 three 6 6 nine to deal.
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