ever wanted to look in the eyes of a truely insane person?

listen more carefully detroit_red...

the strange thing is, what separates sanity from insanity? There is no absolute Truth; no two people will have the same interpretation of The Truth.
Truth for most of us is what we want to believe in.
Very likely that to her, we are the insane ones, heh.
thats gotta be the understatement of the year.. its shocking to say the least, that such mindset's and attitude and utter disregard for the family of the deceased still exist in the current wolrd, even in a supposedly civilised place in america...
well being a Christian i am embarrassed that there r such people with such mindsets existing and even passing judgement onto others. and its quite strange she never answered the last question..
Just as bad is the news guy. Fox news is unbelievable. The way that "news" channel treats her! Whatever her sick views, they way they get her on there and just team up and bombard her with INSULTS is disgusting. They are not a news channel!
Fox News = Illuminati :lol: . Oh yeah Fox News was the one who said Bush won the election and everyone agreed on it. Well anyways the video is one hell of a debate but how would we know that their all in the same page and having a secret agenda?
She is terribly misguided...

She doesnt speak any truth at all.

I am a christian and I disagree with her.
i'm a muslim.
i agree with her about the defamation of gays.
if animals understand the meaning of male and female, and we as a human, more intellectual, cant, doesnt that degrade us to worse than an animal?
this is merely my point of view. i detest homosexuals.

As for the using of religion to create hatred or sins or murder is down right wrong. just like the bloody osama bin laden.

lets not bring this matter into some flaming or war shall we? we should look into this as intellect humans. and moderate people. this woman may had have bummed her head and became crazy. afflicting pain by making protests on a dead person's funeral is sick.
The-Warlord said:
Just as bad is the news guy. Fox news is unbelievable. The way that "news" channel treats her! Whatever her sick views, they way they get her on there and just team up and bombard her with INSULTS is disgusting. They are not a news channel!


The news people are just as bad. Can't you guys see?
As the warlord has mentioned, they teamed up and shamelessly bombarded her with insults; where is the professionalism in that? Where?
I can't believe you guys are lambasting the broadcasters. Don't you think the media is treating her better than what she deserves? I can't think of anything more than to praise Hannity and Colmes. LOOK at how she's behaving. If YOUR brother/boyfriend/father died in the war and she's doing this at their funeral, how would you feel? Wow. I can't believe your reponses are so much different from the americans, yet this concerns a common religion and humankind. I'm still very disturbed by this.
Jiro said:
The-Warlord said:
Just as bad is the news guy. Fox news is unbelievable. The way that "news" channel treats her! Whatever her sick views, they way they get her on there and just team up and bombard her with INSULTS is disgusting. They are not a news channel!


The news people are just as bad. Can't you guys see?
As the warlord has mentioned, they teamed up and shamelessly bombarded her with insults; where is the professionalism in that? Where?

-200 dude...that woman is way off her limit...well,if you're a christian you'll understand that she's a cult...and she has no respect for both the presenter and the deceased family...feel like slapping her with chair
Narcoleptia: Nobody is justifying her actions. They're just saying that going on national television and bombarding her with a torrent of insults is just plain unprofessional. Deserving or not, pulling a stunt like that still speaks volumes about their standard of newscasting.

This woman is sick in the head, plain and simple. Just leave her to keep blabbing away and she can go rot in hell when the day comes for her to answer to her maker.

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