Eric Clapton in Singapore!

Anyone got their tickets yet? I got mine this morning. The servers were down for like an hour, but finally got through. Too bad I couldn't afford the ones right up front :|
got mine too. my wife said server was down like forever as well. unfortunately, due to miscommunication, she bought the $201 tix when i wanted the $127 tix. ouch.
e ticket prices r expensive... but it's nth compared 2 Rain's concert. $888 bucks! O.O

for rich tai-tais who likes kimchi onli! :D
888 = lucky digit :P

well,i want clapton to grab my ass...and rub it tightly...then i'll go home a happy man...with a blues butt...

but yeah,the tic prices are outrageous...totally not for a 17 year old...*looks at parents for added support*

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