Epi's LP.

heh ok stock epi pickups are mostly crap i find. i swapped mine out for duncans when i had the chance.

Gibson's are ok, just be careful to try cuz there are quite a few lemons floating ard. Mine's doing fine wit ha pup swap.
Kwerty said:
Hurhur you obviously have not tried a Burny Les Paul yet.

How do u find the Burny Les Paul RLG-50Z with the VH-500 pickups?

The Epi LP Std chrome covered pickups do tend to sound abit muddy.. I tried the Epi LP Classic (with open coils) - crunchy enough for a stock pickup :)
not realli.. the Classic models one still can make it.. im particularly fearful of those which have chrome cover :lol:
they usually sound harsh to me. Some of the epis have decent workmanship but the pickups i suggest swapping out.
might wanna get ur electronics checked. might be rusty/cheap parts. output will be severely compensated and tone will be very muddy.

oh i checked the pot value on my epi lp a few years back and it was something like 200k (!). usually for les pauls the value is set to around 500k to let more treble through (i think), for a relatively brighter tone. my epi lp sounded much less muddy after i swapped out its pots.

but the stock pickups should go eventually la. from my experience they are pretty much muddy crap... so do yourself a favour. save up, and drop some decent replacement pickups in there. in the meantime, tweak!