Epiphone Zakk Wylde (Bull's Eye)


no bro... i'm dead serious.
i dun reli play full jazz la. i juz love placing bits and pieces of it in my oris.
wat to do... in a middle of the song cant switch to several guitars wat... =P
looks cool...but i dint expect it to be so ex...how much the the real Gibson version of this btw? Swee Lee sells it?

sweelee sells at 8k , you can get it from david at around 6.5 and if your me you can get it at 5.7k
this guitar kicks ass man, i have one, its pretty much a good les paul from epiphone with zakks paintjob. the only thing i didnt like when i bought it was that it was cream with black not white with black.

If you like Les Paul then you will like this guitar idk what the reviewer was talking about with the knobs, they're fine on mine, i think it depends on each individual product because lets face it, even though they come off the same assembly line, each one is gonna have a different problem, mine however is great. i just need some upgrading to do on it.

is this guitar worth buying? i dont know do you like Les Pauls? I do and I'm glad i bought it