Epiphone Special II

how come so many people feel differently about the guitar ah... hmmm...
is it really up to one self in the end?
if u wanna get the epiphone special II, with that amt, u can get a SX les paul package and have spare change for strings and a effects.
darkballa said:
I think your referring to the beginer's pack at SL. Get it man it's a total steal, a special alone is 600

8O 8O 8O

special II is $350, feel free to look at Sweelee's thread. If you got it at $600, then I feel sorry to you
at $350 for a bolt-on, dats right at the bottom of epiphone's line, might as well get the TGM les paul custom copy, i saw 1 at novelty music today, its a set neck, and its abt the same price i think, quality wise, should be the same
saw that TGM @ novelty. but i think its not good.. i tried it before i went to buy my guitar... the pickups are kinda bad....
after i plugged that TGM, i plugged teh ARIA next to it. it sounded so much better. but it was double the price... ARIA price is double TGM. hahha
Eh I definitely won't get it... haha... cos it looks very diff from a les paul... I believe it is a bolt on and it have 1 tone and 1 volume... definitely not a true les paul if u ask me...

Try aiming for other copies... I believe the craftsman is recommendable... or u can save up and get a higher end epiphone... haha...
hey i got a epiphone special 2, to me (my personal view), it sounds great thru my roland amp. just that the frets are a bit ..... haha, specially the higher notes, so you got to learn how to adjust your fingers when you play the higher notes. i learnt to adapt so im fine when i use LP special 2 to play.

for live performance wise, thru those big watts amp, sounds great on high gain, just that you may need effects to back up instead of using the amp. clean is good. cheers!
Hey dude i have a LP special 2, for 300...its a rlly great deal and it sounds good, especially for the price.....i dun kno why others say its not worth it..go see the reviews on the net and most of them are positive...
if you're a beginner, i guess this is a good choice.
i've got a les paul 100. only difference is the body material. neck and fretboard are the same haha. and they feel great.

and the pickups are the same as the special 2. shud say the sustain is kewl. but the tone's not that bright for me. but thats my taste la hahaha.

also have other les paul copies like J&D's. tried it a few times and its quite a nice guitar. haha. it costs ard $380+
i got a second epi custom II.
there's occasioal fretboard buzzing.
anyway, get a good amp to use with this epi, and that'll be fine.
i've got one too. it sounds pretty okay to me when played through a roland micro cube. use the inbuilt distortion on the amps and it's a pretty good guitar for beginners on a tight budget though i'm sure there are other alternatives.
I saw a white epi special II at guitar workshop yesterday. Looks very good. Dunno with the sound and feel tho. But if you're a beginner who is looking for a good budget guitar, I will recommend Ltd EC-50. I think the price is about the same and I personally feel it looks much better. I owned the guitar before. Sounds good for the price and has a pretty balanced body