Epiphone SG made in china = lousy?


New member
I heard from my fren that epiphone SG guitars that are made in china are lousy becuase of a lower quality wood. Is it true?
In fact what is the difference between the place of manufacturing at different places? :confused:
well, most guitars have much better QC when epiphone guitars are manufactured in korea last time. it does not mean that the china made piece is lousy... u have to try it urself eventually..
just compare an mic piece and an mik. if the mic one sounds good, then it sounds good.

yes the wood quality will play a part in the guitars tone. but u cant tell unless u go try it out for yourselves. i for one have something against china manufactured products. but i still cannot deny some are fantastic, for example, vox ac30s and the orange tiny terror. those are amps btw
that's the mindset these days- anything other than the preferred country of manufacture & it's deemed below par... tsk,tsk... value the ware per se, not the country of origin. my Gibson LP (USA) isn't exactly ace in terms of construction but let's not get there.

is the SG guitar player good, compared to Americans for instance? (no offence) 8-)
It's all in the mind

Firstly, you need to be a good guitarist inorder to judge if a guitar is good or not. Young guitarist of today go for brands rather than good tone. I have seen many guitarist using good guitars but they sound like shit. To me, as long as a guitar stays in tune and frets are well made and good playability, this is a good guitar. Wood and pickups play an important role in the sounding of the guitar. But if you have a good amp, it helps.
only good guitarists can identify a good guitar? not necessarily. if the guitar is treated as a normal ware, QC would be a primary tell-tale sign of it being acceptable/ reject. if you are a player, your assessment would extend into playability & tone. if you are not a player, you can ask a player friend for a fair assessment.
ive been trying epiphone guitars and so far i find they sound great and have no problem in terms of tone and playability.

its just the name which scares the player away. lemme tell ya, most epiphones can give gibsons a run for their money.
I feel that sometimes it's not where the guitar is made in or whether the wood of the body is lousy etc. BUT it's the way how you tweak each guitar that you have.
guess u have to try it urself to feel it b4 u buy
im happy with my epi lp, the tone is so nice n warm
playability is good too, love it from the day i tested it n bought it till now

and after swappin the pickups, i dun think i'll need another LP (gibson) in the forseeable future. unless i strike toto or watever, maybe i'll get 1 gibson custom shop LP :P
tats another story...

but its a hit and miss thing i guess. its a hit for me for sure :)
I've sold a few Epiphones that r MIC. So far no complains from softees who bought them. In face they r loving it.. i think it's the mindset that MIC are of inferior quality.
I came across an article on the net, cant remember the link.. the QC in Gibson Plant in Qingdao is led by an Ang Moh from Gibson USA. So in terms of QC, they shld be of USA standards.

Try google for Gibson Qingdao..
I tried an MIC Epiphone Les Paul standard and a Gibson Les Paul standard on the same day, but I won't compare tone because they were used on different amplifiers. But personally, I found the Gibson's playability and quality to be top-notch and superior to the MIC Epiphone (of course), but here's the catch. The MIC Epiphone wasn't far behind. I liked it and would spend the dough to bring it home if I had the dough.

In my opinion, its more of a consistency problem that Epiphone's China factory has. The same problem Ibanez's China and Indonesia factories also have - consistency. There are some excellent pieces, and there are lemons, but there are quite a number of lemons, so you definitely have to find a good piece, because there are bad pieces that somehow 'pass' the quality test of their factories. Don't ask me how. :mrgreen:
nah i dont really think where its made often makes a difference. i think ppl think just because its made in china that means its second-rate quality...
''a poor workman always blames his tools''
nah i dont really think where its made often makes a difference. i think ppl think just because its made in china that means its second-rate quality...
''a poor workman always blames his tools''

That's very true... A lot of people nowadays have this mindset that only USA-made, Japan-made and custom-made are good, and everything else bad. I've met a lot of low-end guitars that were simply great. Personally, I've outgrown yearning for high-end guitars. I'd grab it as long as I fall in love with it, regardless of price. :mrgreen:
well, can't really blame some people for having perception errors.

its stereotyping. furthermore all the product scandals, and probably also personal experience with other china made products, just reinforces the stereotype.
its simple...what price you pay is what you get....mic are far cheaper than those made in origin country product but the wood quality,durability,etc definitely not the same...you cant just try guitar for few minutes to compare each other..thats not the way...zakk wydle signature mic and USA are totally different in made quality ....ive tried both many2 times in terms of feel...i cant compare the tone because electric guitar tone can be tweak using amp and effects so wood quality doesnt have much effect unless you playing accoustic guitar.You can always change the pup on mic guitar and use good amp and effects to get the tone you want...all depends on your ears...i have made in japan ibanez and used to have MII ibanez also korean too...the frets used,tremolo bridge,body feel is diferent...korea ibanez still ok except the tremolo is bad to me..MII not even up to japan made standard...i know most of them are trying to make themselves feel good by saying mic guitars are as good as japan made or USA made but the fact is real pro would know the difference...its nothing to do with guitar playing skills or tone much...the great guitar player will still sound good with the cheap guitar because of good ears and can tweak to get good tone

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