epiphone les paul standard

No. Because I don't like it.

Whats your reason for asking? Weight is an issue alone, unless you are absolutely sure you can live with it.
da specs actually n tt i kinda like les pauls
reasonable price...reasonable specs..i like da shape..range of a few colours 2 choose from
so im tinking of 1
Ah... okay... so you are looking at it because you like its shape, price, specs, looks...

Well, budget?

Music you intend to play?
hmm budget...not so sure
but i play hardcore rock to metal
erm mostly these kind of stuff
n erm if i have da extra cash...invest in emgs to get more metal
Get someone experienced to go down with you to test out the epiphones... :) Lest you end up with a lemon!!!!!!!!

But metal ah.

Why not Ibanez RG321?
da rg321 was actually my top list
but den sweelee doesnt have stock 4 tt guitar
unless i buy it off another person's hand at 430
which im not sure whether its real or fake
so its pretty unsafe...
RG321... its... uhm.... unlikely to be faked.

Look at some of the people on SOFT selling, others know them, can ask around....

Someone, hay88, was selling one. He's a nice chap.
yea if i buy it 2nd most likely its not fake
but im buying it *1st* hand
errr...its like...theres tis guy hu has his own dealer n distributor
n he sells lotsa guitar stuff
hes selling da guitars tt swee lee r offering at a cheaper price
n he doesnt take pics of da guitars..mainly coz he delivers da guitar 2 ur place 2 let u check it out...but im not a pro..so im not 2 sure if its at its best quality
is there any paper works 2 look out 4?
yea if i buy it 2nd most likely its not fake
but im buying it *1st* hand
errr...its like...theres tis guy hu has his own dealer n distributor
n he sells lotsa guitar stuff
hes selling da guitars tt swee lee r offering at a cheaper price
n he doesnt take pics of da guitars..mainly coz he delivers da guitar 2 ur place 2 let u check it out...but im not a pro..so im not 2 sure if its at its best quality
is there any paper works 2 look out 4?
:lol: i guess u must be 15 or below? u can ask shredcow to help u test it out & rest assure he is well versed in Ibanez guitars dude..

plus, u like epiphone les paul.. swee lee now having sale, why dun u go grab it? hmm, mere talking on the forum wont help u get close to ur axe brother..
I don't know who this helmet guy is.

If you wish to try, go ahead, take some precautions - ask an expereinced guitarist along to help you check.

As for your concerns on having 2 strangers in your houses, I don't think I need to advise you on how to manage that huh.
haha yea...
okok ermm besides da warrenty...ne other paper works 2 look 4? n where can i check da serial number?
neuro182 said:
:lol: i guess u must be 15 or below? u can ask shredcow to help u test it out & rest assure he is well versed in Ibanez guitars dude..

Unfortunately, I only know about the hardware, gear, specs... not the serial numbers or what.


Its an RG321, hardly likely it would be cloned lah. Don't know why got this fear....

if so, then spend a bit more get from Swee Lee, no need to worry. Wanna get 2nd hand, walk the talk, take the risks.
Epis have always been quite ok, if u go for the higher end models. And the helmet guy is a fake seller, dun get frm him!!!!! Already seen on Ebay, ppl bought the guitars and found them to be fakes! Jus get frm Swee Lee lah, last time i asked abt $480 w/GST.