Epiphone Explorer

the LTD EX are available @ Davis- dunno if there's any more in stock. i tried them November last year... this is the exact model i tried:
those arent EXPs, but the newer EX
this is the older, discontinued model, the EXP

the thing i dont like about gibson/epi explorers are the pickup switch is placed at the lower horn rather than near the the knobs, so its kinda hard for me to reach down to switch the pickups and stuff
that squier is a dream come true..its like a tele + les paul...i always wanted a iceman+ les paul just like the ravelle...but now the squier is all i need.
subversion said:
the LTD EX are available @ Davis- dunno if there's any more in stock. i tried them November last year... this is the exact model i tried:

Hi subversion, how much is that model? Is it the 500+ bucks 1? How do you find it?

Thanks :D
If i were to choose a new guitar for myself..

Ibaneze RG, Epiphone Lp, Epip SG, Jap fender strat..

others just look so weird to me :p
it looks crazy but after I play epi explorer, I say that it is actually OK to play and not problem playing high fret. Amazing it is balanced. I say SG is better playing but explorer is still more comfortable than Les Paul!
hmm sounds good..but i don't have room for a stand...

the LTD viper guitars also seem impressive...i was actually considering that..

but i rather stick to the tele because of the wood.
Elias said:
hofner said:
how about this one....maybe i should get a copy


I think this is a custom-made axe with the Jaguar/Jazzmaster-like offset body shape. Neck access is better than a Strat in my opinion :) But not as much as Explorer or SG...

Just realised something...maybe the best neck access guitar would be...Flying V? :twisted: *how come I never thought of it when I own one? :lol: *

Sorry if this is off topic but that looks like one of those Fender Jagstangs. Nirvana Fans I think you know which guitar im talkin about right?
SherT said:
Elias said:
hofner said:
how about this one....maybe i should get a copy


I think this is a custom-made axe with the Jaguar/Jazzmaster-like offset body shape. Neck access is better than a Strat in my opinion :) But not as much as Explorer or SG...

Just realised something...maybe the best neck access guitar would be...Flying V? :twisted: *how come I never thought of it when I own one? :lol: *

Sorry if this is off topic but that looks like one of those Fender Jagstangs. Nirvana Fans I think you know which guitar im talkin about right?

I don't think it's a Jagstang (looking at the body shape, tremolo plate, headstock, input jack, pickups configuration)

Fender Jagstang

More about Jagstang: http://www.jag-stang.com/jsIndex.shtml