Epiphone black beauty Deal

Hi bigbaddaboom,

Wear and tear on Frets & Control Knobs are rather common, depending on the method and weight of usage on the guitar. Fret not as you can still bring the guitar to our Service Centre/ Bras Basah Showroom for any service eventhough it's off the warranty period.
Do drop us a call @ 6336 7886 and approach either Adam or Md Noh.

Hope the info helps. :)

my epip lp is MIC too... haven really found major faults. Just the bridge pups, which sometimes goes very soft when playing.
Pick Ups and it's cabling are under 1 year warranty. Thus during this period, feel free to bring them down to our showroom at Bras Basah for servicing at no charge.

so i think it's time to keep some MIKs Epiphones.
Eventhough now qingdao has better QCs...
I think the MIC words itself already seemed u know...
Fill in the blanks...
mic epis have better finishing than those miks.but the electronics are not as good.i have a lp standard mic but changed the tuners to grovers and pickups to APH-1 bridge and neck. now it looks good and plays well too :D
wow, it seems that a guitar's performance rests squarely on the country of origin. so a Made-in-Singapore Epi (should it happen) should be the lousiest of the lot, yes?

not exactly it depends on the cost of labour .

In China ,Vietnam ,Thailand ,Mexico ,Indonesia ect. its dirt cheap unlike the US and SG ,Japan ,UK and Canada ect whereby the labour is not that cheap .

In Singapore ,the cost of labour is sky high as most of us are working in secondary firms .