Engineers Feedback Forums


New member
Hey ya'll, how can i post my engineered tracks here? I wanna get some feedback on my mixes and techniques. Plus I always love getting the best drum recording sounds possible and i'd love ya'll to hear it. Anyone help me out?

Hope this topic can turn into a thread where by all us engineers can share our techniques, mixes, and comment one another.
hey badger, well first of all welcome to the sound section.

you can register a "band" account @ , they support downloads from there. but only a limit of 5 songs i think. but good enough.
upload there, then start posting, I'll be here. heheh.

i think most probably i'll get my account up there by monday afternoon or something. i'll have about 5 songs up straight.

Cheers 8)
nearly done lah. but dont wana give u guys the webby half-assed. but for now if you really wanna check out a piece of work of mine, visit, and listen to the song, TheExxit. But if you really wanna get the sound well dont listen on computer speakers. Something better. Or better yet , really good headphones.

Could give me feedback on that song? the drum sound etc.
the drum sound is actually quite bad... basketball kick... no dynamic... overall not a very good mix... but if it's a home recording thingy... then well done... not bad. ;)
Smells like a programmed synth/sample drum. Dunno. Very constant sounding. But somehow, it doesn't seem programmed at the same time.

Gah don't know why. Don't know how to describe it. Will listen more closely another time when freer.
Haha dude. Im not a fan of MIDI. All real playing. Obvious the keyboardist used strings on his keyboards. My Les Paul and Vox tonelab, and the drums is jus normal mixing. But I disagree with Bernardgoh because to me i think it really fit the song, but then again this misx was done a while back. Or maybe it was because there was no bass guitar so the kick sounds a bit dodgy. Plus it was a headphone mix :lol: :lol: :lol:

Ok ok thnx guys. I'll post some of my more recent stuff asap. It will be on Pure Volume by the end of this week. or mid-next-week, hope you guys can wait.

Plus its a funny thing you guys say the drums sound programmed cus that was my drummers 4th take, and mistakes within, and shes not very used to playing with metronomes.
yea, but remember that "many people" listen to your mixes in mp3 forms - a good mix is a good mix. I agree the kick drum sounds abit wierd though. But the entire drums certainly sounds "live". The rest of the mix is quite good! Whats your recording setup like?
hey, no worries man. i give comment based on my own preference in sound/music mix and feels. I feel that the mix on the drum lack dynamic... yes, is definitely not a very well tuned drum kit that is played live. ;) I think performance is lacking on the whole mix as well... the mix just sound " is played LIVE but don't sound LIVE mix. " to me.
that's all i can say. ;) you got to pay me if you need more comment then that.
8O :D :twisted: :wink: :wink: :wink:
at the end of each mixdown, i believe every audio engineer (including myself) has excuses 101 on what went wrong and what happened that caused the mix to sound wrong. I blame myself for my latest mixes to sound a little sharp because I mix on cheap $8 earphones. but have gotten used to it saying "this's as good as it gets for now I can't afford decent monitors, I'll re-mix them again for practise when I get it" and try to learn from feedback. My feedback critics are categorised in 3 kinds of ppl : "studio engineers/band people/normal consumers".

regarding the whole 128kbps thing compared to a .wav basically the highs are quite reduced with added "flangy" effect and the stereo width image is affected depending on how you encoded it. otherwise like what tera says , most people indeed listen to anything today in mp3 format. so basically if it kicks ass in mp3, if kicks more ass in .wav

a friend also told me "if it sounds good on myspace streaming it will sound good anywhere else" and somehow I've started listening to low streaming bitrate mp3s to verify and agreed.

and also , when mixing it, if it sounds good in your car stereo. (DAW > CD Burned > car speakers) then when you submit into 987 Home. the signal chain goes DAW>.wav > 987Home FM's limiter> radiowaves > car speakers , and it will actually sound better due to 2 reasons :

radio's limiters always makes your mixes more punchy. both good and bad thing, cos if your mix is already punchy, it makes it even more punchy (that could backfire)

audience mentality - anything played on radio is considered "good".

hope this helps. based on purely experience.

70¢ worth.
Yeh I get what you mean already, I already knew that. But even if your mix sounds good on crappy speakers, whats the point if it dont sound good on the best playback medium? You gotta make it sound right on the best, then play it back on the crappiest. Get it? But hey your totally right. Everytime I finish a mix, I end up listening to it over and over and come up with so many reasons why I dont think I like it. haha.

Hey bernardgoh - Cheers man, its comments like yours I wish would never get to me, but they some how do, and it ends up bothering me in my mind. haha. But cheers man, if you can do that then I must believe u in a way.

Just gotta bounce out few tracks then the site will be up. Plus, any tips on how to make a mix sound less congested? I did a recording of Highway Star with my band and my drummer couldnt make it so it sounds unconsitent with the different drummer. But not only that the overall mix, you can hear everything great at good levels, but it just sounds messy.

Btw, you guys can also post your mixes here too. not only me. :wink:
err if a mix sounds too congested, make "space"! reverb. hehe.

not too sure what Highway Star is.
where's the mix that you're talking about? on your myspace?

well my mixes are as given on the URLs on myspace and purevolume. i can't just anyhow post mp3s down here, no permit from bands. maybe sometime we should do a full multitrack raw recording (with full permit) and post up the individual track here and let everyone have a go at it.


20¢ worth
No no its not up yet. And the band is my own. haha. Highway Star is the name of the song by Deep Purple, and me and my band covered it in a recording. here are the layer and i think its the reason for my congestion.

- Kick (AKG Kick Mic)
- Snare Top (SM57)
- Snare Bottom (SM57)
- Tom 1 (SM57)
- Tom 2 (SM57)
- Tom 3 (c1000s)
- Tom 4 (c1000s)
- Overhead L (SE3 Stereo Pair L)
- Overhead R (SE3 Stereo Pair R)

Everything thing else is Line-in (except vocals)

(Stereo because I used stereo chorus, dont feel like dropping the track though)
- Guitar Rhythm L
- Guitar Rhythm R

- Guitar Solo L
- Guitar Solo R

- Organ Rhythm L
- Organ Rhythm R

(The organ solo done with 2 hands, 1 high octave and the other a lower octave)
- Organ Solo High L
- Organ Solo High R

- Organ Solo Low L
- Organ Solo Low R

- Bass

(I dont think the vocals are to cause though)
- Vocals Scream 1
- Vocals Scream 2
- Vocals Scream 3
- Vocals Lead
- Vocals Backup
(All used the SE Gemini)

I just really wanna get this mix right cus theres like a trillion tracks all calling out to be heard at the same time. But guess you guys really cant help me out till I get the track up. Just wait till monday evening it'll be up.

AKG kick Mic? which one? D112? mmm.. Interesting selection on tom3 and 4 as well. ;)
for me, most of the time i record my drums using a d112 and re20 for kick, snare top and bottom depends on sound. sm57, 58, 414... tom mostly on 57 and overheads would be 414. using a nt-2 for room. don't like my guitars on Direct... all recording goes on a amp, using jcm2000 or sometime clients would bring their own amps like mesa or others.... same goes to bass. vocal depends too... most of the time works on a U87 but you never know.... done some on sm58 and re20 too. sound sweet on some people. ;)

that's what i always do. plan before you record. mic selection should be done on pre-production. know the sound you wanna archive then selection the pres/mics/instruments etc.....

above is what i always do, i know that's alots of people do things different from me but hey, this is a creative jobs... never right or wrong... some very wrong technique that say in the books can sound very very right in some occasion too. ;)
my selection would be:

kick - AKG D112, DIY speaker cone mic
kick beater - sm81
snare - sm57
1 & 2 tom - sm57
floor tom - NT3
overheads - SE3/audio technica 450
se gemini - room mic (this mic is amazing)

guitar amps - D112, sm 57, neuman TLM 170

bass - DI (unless i got a gd amp)

accoustic guitar - Gemini & neuman TLM170

percussion - gemini or 5600a (depending on what percussion)

vocals - neumann TLM 170, U87, se gemini, sm58, at2020 (depending on what kind of vocalist again)