Encountered this kind of seller?


New member
Hi, I just registered to post this because I had an unpleasant encounter with a seller here

I browsed the classifieds and saw a guitar I liked http://www.soft.com.sg/forum/showthread.php?330441-Selling-Taylor-Swift-Baby-Taylor

So, I whatsapp the seller 2 days ago and we agreed to deal today 9am. Last night, I sent reminder messages.

Few minutes before 9am I messaged seller if he reached already, no reply but his whatsapp status should he was onlined and saw my messages. I waited till 9:16am to message him again, he read but no reply. I sent more messages asking him where is he, what time will he reach etc, all read but no reply and finally he blocked me in whatsapp. I also called him 3 times, first 2 times he didn't answer and the last time he rejected my call. I waited from 9am to 9:35am, trying to contact this seller with calls and messages with no avail. If he is late or don't want to sell or any reason, he didn't even give a reply or say anything, leaving me the buyer waiting and wasting my time.

Is it OK to ignore buyer after a deal is made and buyer is there waiting? Anyone has similar encounter with this seller before?
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Hi yeah i experienced this before. I was selling my amp, and this guy agreed to come my place at 4pm to buy it. Waited all the way till like 4.30pm, messaged him and no reply. If you're not interested then at least let me know? Dukie84
"Hi, I just registered to post this because I had an unpleasant encounter with a seller here"


Welcome to SOFT.

He's either...

1. Test posting to see how good responses to his guitar


2. A douche who realised that he priced his guitar way too low


3. Have a higher offer on the side and just stalling you so that he gets the better deal
I've also bought a guitar here with a over-tightened truss rod issue. When asked to return, seller said I've tested the guitar on the spot and I should stick to the deal.

From now on, I will always bring a screwdriver to open the truss rod cover to check.

Am glad I've finally managed to fix the problem.
umm, i was interested in his guitar and wanted to buy it. earlier this week i texted him to reserve the guitar for me and he said okay. then i asked him for the details of the guitar and he didn't reply. and yesterday i called him regarding the guitar, he said it's not available anymore.
He's either...

1. Test posting to see how good responses to his guitar


2. A douche who realised that he priced his guitar way too low


3. Have a higher offer on the side and just stalling you so that he gets the better deal

True... So take it easy guys... Unless youve been cheated money.bought a fake item or defect one
Why do u need to hide under a new nick when you have done nothing wrong? Furthermore you revealed his identity while hiding behind a new nick.
Without both sides' account of the transaction, it's hard to judge who is right or wrong, though we would have empathize with you if you had travelled to meet him at the agreed location only to wait in vain.
Maybe he had some last minute urgent thing to attend to and he couldn't reply to your messages?
Only gerbs can answer this himself.
Why do u need to hide under a new nick when you have done nothing wrong? Furthermore you revealed his identity while hiding behind a new nick.
Without both sides' account of the transaction, it's hard to judge who is right or wrong, though we would have empathize with you if you had travelled to meet him at the agreed location only to wait in vain.
Maybe he had some last minute urgent thing to attend to and he couldn't reply to your messages?
Only gerbs can answer this himself.

I'm not a seller I didn't have a need to register until now after this unpleasant encounter aboht Gerbs. Gerbs was also selling a guitar that other members found questionable http://www.soft.com.sg/forum/showthread.php?327707-Selling-Lakewood-Sungha-Jung-Signature-Model

Are you Gerbs hiding under a new nick???
I was selling my Duncan pickup and this guy told me he was interested and we arranged for a meet up. I declined a friend's dinner invitation because the sale was scheduled earlier. He didn't turn up because he 'wasn't in the mood'. Good my day was wasted.

And I'm now selling a Dimarzio pickup and the same guy approached me again. I thought well, maybe things would go fine this time. Arranged for a meet up and he didn't turn up again. I left a fun jam session earlier just for this sale. I asked if he was coming and he replied, 'I don't think so.' So nice of a reply.

Twice. He wasted my time twice. Can't people be more responsible?
though generally softies have been pretty nice to deal with so far, there are plenty of twats around.. i've been at the suffering end of 1 as well..

I made an enquiry, not knowing actual $ worth of the guitar posted. So i asked him for his price, he told me, and i said "Ok sorry i think this is above what i'm looking to pay." and i wanted to walk away.

He then told me that no he was willing to sell it for what i wanted to pay.. so naturally i agreed, and we planned timing to meet.

I was told to go all halfway the island all the way to the west, then he no-showed. I called, texted etc. and finally he answered. Citing that my offer was plain degrading and that this is a lesson for me to learn how to appreciate the value of guitars.

His nick is mike_miller, and his number is 9789 4040.

The reason why he's a f**k twat is because:
1. His ad writes "Feel free to text me your offers"
2. I wanted to walk away after i realised how much that guitar was worth, he was the one that insisted he will sell.
3. He thinks of such an act as a "lesson" for people to learn the value of guitars..
Just to add on to my previous post, the person's nick is Satrionic.

I was selling a cheap Squier Strat, he acted interested and asked alot of questions then lowball me and insulted me when I turned it down. Ironically when I see him selling things here he likes to say things like no fussy buyers and lowballers when he was the fussy lowballer lol
I actually traded my Baby Taylor with 'Gerbs' for his Epiphone LP Standard. The guy actually came all the way down to my place. Now im wondering to myself whether the guitar he is selling is fake or not cos its made in China from what I check the serial code. But who cares. The guitar have been modded and it plays great.