Hi, I just registered to post this because I had an unpleasant encounter with a seller here
I browsed the classifieds and saw a guitar I liked http://www.soft.com.sg/forum/showthread.php?330441-Selling-Taylor-Swift-Baby-Taylor
So, I whatsapp the seller 2 days ago and we agreed to deal today 9am. Last night, I sent reminder messages.
Few minutes before 9am I messaged seller if he reached already, no reply but his whatsapp status should he was onlined and saw my messages. I waited till 9:16am to message him again, he read but no reply. I sent more messages asking him where is he, what time will he reach etc, all read but no reply and finally he blocked me in whatsapp. I also called him 3 times, first 2 times he didn't answer and the last time he rejected my call. I waited from 9am to 9:35am, trying to contact this seller with calls and messages with no avail. If he is late or don't want to sell or any reason, he didn't even give a reply or say anything, leaving me the buyer waiting and wasting my time.
Is it OK to ignore buyer after a deal is made and buyer is there waiting? Anyone has similar encounter with this seller before?
I browsed the classifieds and saw a guitar I liked http://www.soft.com.sg/forum/showthread.php?330441-Selling-Taylor-Swift-Baby-Taylor
So, I whatsapp the seller 2 days ago and we agreed to deal today 9am. Last night, I sent reminder messages.
Few minutes before 9am I messaged seller if he reached already, no reply but his whatsapp status should he was onlined and saw my messages. I waited till 9:16am to message him again, he read but no reply. I sent more messages asking him where is he, what time will he reach etc, all read but no reply and finally he blocked me in whatsapp. I also called him 3 times, first 2 times he didn't answer and the last time he rejected my call. I waited from 9am to 9:35am, trying to contact this seller with calls and messages with no avail. If he is late or don't want to sell or any reason, he didn't even give a reply or say anything, leaving me the buyer waiting and wasting my time.
Is it OK to ignore buyer after a deal is made and buyer is there waiting? Anyone has similar encounter with this seller before?
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