EMP course at SAE ?


New member

Has anyone here done the EMP course at SAE ??
I am planning to attend the next one so need to know a few details..

Most importantly, IS IT WORTHWHILE ??
Do they have projects during the course where the students produce tracks?
Do they provide 24/7 studio access?

Most SAEs across the globe have a 6month EMP Course.. i am a bit apprehensive about this since it's just 2 months..

Looking forward to some good feedback

I haven't done the EMP course but I have dropped by the place. I don't think the studio is 24/7 access though. You may want to take a look at the facilities before you decide to join. I suggest you drop by the place to check it out.

The people there are pretty friendly and won't mind taking you around. Drop by on a Saturday when one of the students is helping tend the place. You can probably get better feedback from him/her.

If you don't mind learning things in the box, you can alternatively take a Berklee online course. Just be prepared for the odd hours.
thanks squarehero

the thing is im in from singapore :s
im from india plannin to take up the course this july.. maybe the audio engineering diploma.. little confused..

so its very difficult for me to make a trip there check out the place n stuff..
if sum1 here cud give me details of the place the course the environment it wud be very helpful

Oh. I didn't know that. Ok, here are some details of the place as far as I remember. It is at the 2nd and 3rd floor of a small building in Bencoolen Street.

There is one main mixing room (quite small) with a SSL console and a pair of full range monitors. Can't remember whether there are near fields or not.

There is one recording room with control room. Place is equipped with proper sound proofing etc. They have lots of mics. Quite small also.

There are a couple of workstation points with 61 key keyboards. Students work with headphones here.

For software, I think they have Logic Audio and Reason for Production. Pro Tools for recording. From my visit there, they told me that usually students collaborate together to come out with a track. Not sure about the EMP course but that's true for the general audio engineering course.

My impression is that the place is quite small and therefore, the intake is quite small also.

Anyway, they may have upgraded. I suggest you e-mail Kenneth Foo (kenneth@sae.edu), the Head of Audio there, for more details.
Investigate more.

You should consider very carefully whether to go to the SAE. Serious allegations have been made in the UK. I am not repeating these allegations and I cannot verify them, but you will need to look into this before committing.

See http://www.soundonsound.com/forum/showthreaded.php?Cat=&Number=716420&page=&view=&sb=5&o=&vc=1

I also suggest you look at the entire thread. It's an interesting discussion - covering among other things, the issue of whether there are or will be any studio jobs in the music industry of the future.

Be careful; be lucky! :)
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