Electronic parts change or repair..


New member
Hi am an individual who is interested to provide services mentioned below:

Pedal and multi effect switches and potentiometer change
Tube amplifier biasing for EL34,KT88 and 6L6 Biasing at your specification for more headroom and clarity
Wiring of Guitar pickups and Potentiometer change
Basically only provide services at my free time and interest but not replacements of parts.

interested kindly sms @ 91111759
tube amp tech...

dear all am providing services to bias your marshall tube amp at your taste.. in hot mode or slight colder for quieter amp operation. do hit me up at 91111759 for details.. thanks I am able to do potentiometer change, capacitor change too.
Hi chae, are you able to repair amp other than servicing?

may I know what are the up facing problem? to be frank I cannot repair PCB related item cause is hard to trace the fault..... I can do capacitors change, potentiometers upgrades,switch problems, tube biasing EL34,6l6,kt88 at the closes plate voltage and cathode current you want. amps familiar with is marshall others amps I could check with the manufacturer the best way to bias... thanks
guitar and tube amplifier electronic services..

providing guitar rewiring, pickup change, potentiometer installation,switches installation too.

multi effect switching problems,scratchy pots on effect pedals...switches on pedals..etc

tube amp biasing el34, kt88, 6l6..biasing towards colder or slightly hotter region for quieter operation or hotter mode.potentiometer change,capacitors change.. hit me up on either of these services at 91111759