Electronic music !


New member
Hey guys !
I was wondering how artists produce electronic. Aside from the knowledge common to us such as the use of a DAW on a computer. What else is needed and how to the guys actually do it ? (Ps, really confused lvl 7 Noobling here, please be nice D:) I'm really interested in learning to produce electronic music in general and advice or links to resources would be really really appreciated ! Thanks a million guys !
Theres prolly no shortcut or step by step rules, what works for some might not be for us and vice versa.


1) Identifying the type of electronic music you want to make. Without knowing what sort of style you want to make, will be going a longer road of being attracted to lotsa things, but no main focus on doing the main thing you might want to do

2) Copy the style of your favourite artist and add plenty of variation, chopping up samples, rearranging it, reverse the phrase, add in new melody lines etc.

3) Learn the daw, vsti inside out, use plenty of vsti, midi sequencing, automation, lfo, side chain compression etc

There are many videos tutorials online from sonic academy, macprovideo, groove3, dmp tutorials which touch on the subject of production with different daws to producing different style of edm, idm stuff etc. Another source is to borrow back copies of computer music mag from the library, with the dvd, theres stuff to learn from there as well.


Lastly, is to just do something musically and forget bout the above. Sometime theres more fun from random doodling then trying to sit down, concentrate and do a single task the right way. Must have fun along the way.
Thanks Pat ! Checked out the links, I've got loads to learn. You have my gratitude, HUAT ARH !

Hey dude, got your pm.

I think I'll reply here so that it can be a learning kind of thread.

I'm using ableton live some DAW. Pretty good but there are loads of other. Another one worth checking out is Fruity loop.

Yup just download the VSTs and the DAW should have effects and intruments already built in.

As for samples, you can go to sampleswap. Quite a lot of free stuff there. Pretty good! Open source stuff.

Contrary to what the raindrop dude said, I personally feel that it's best not to copy any artist. Listen to alot of genres and wide range of stuff and build up from there. If not, your music will not be special. Just doodle around like Mr raindrop said.

Oh, and get a decent pair of headphones or monitors. Best to get the flat sounding ones so there is no bias towards bass or treble.

My tracks, basically, I just come up with a jazz chord progression first, then i build from there. But I loveee deep house, so there is kind of like a genre fusion thingy, without it getting too cheesy sounding.

Thanks for asking!

Just hit up if there is anything else.
Maybe you should move up to Ableton Suite. There are lot of synth to play. Probably tons of sound to play and compose. Later on buy 3 party synth. Synth like Zebra or Sound Alchemy....etc Normally, I will buy two of the same kind. I have logic pro with lot of synth, but still by a third party synth.
on software side, other there vsti itself, theres a program which iam using for beats sequencing/mangling and more. Price is cheap for it and some features which i like better than traditional midi sequencing


The layout and workflow will take a while to get used to, but once having a basic understanding from reading the manual, making music with it is more intuitive to me, compared to doing midi sequencing in ableton live, which iam using as well(but less and less for making beats in there)

in the hand of this artist who knows renoise inside out and a midi controller, the result is pretty impressive imho

Workshop on producing electronic music (Sat 10/3)

Hi, there's a free workshop producing Electronic Music on Sat 10/3 at 4pm in SOMA. The workshop is called "7 Steps to Making Hot Dance Tracks". More details at http://emlblog.blogspot.com/2012/02/7-steps-to-creating-hot-dance-tracks.html

Can you make it on Saturday?

Hey guys !
I was wondering how artists produce electronic. Aside from the knowledge common to us such as the use of a DAW on a computer. What else is needed and how to the guys actually do it ? (Ps, really confused lvl 7 Noobling here, please be nice D:) I'm really interested in learning to produce electronic music in general and advice or links to resources would be really really appreciated ! Thanks a million guys !