Electrico, Plainsunset and The Leaven Trait!


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on the Rampage On The Airwaves' podcast, The Aftermath of Baybeats Part 3!


to complete the series, we have some of Singapore's biggest bands, Electrico and Plainsunset!

right-click, save as HERE to download!

please visit our website. =)

add us on myspace!

thanks for listening, look out for next week's Spotlight Special featuring West Grand Boulevard!
then again u could say people who dont listen to ronin have no life. or people who dont listen to chemical romance have no life.. hmmmm
lilrampage said:
on the Rampage On The Airwaves' podcast, The Aftermath of Baybeats Part 3!!

Eh, just a comment. Though broadband internet is prevalent, it's hard to sit thru so long to download a 19MB file. Okay, maybe it's me cuz I haven't downloaded videos for a long while. Since you have a MySpace page, considered streaming your audio files?
Hey man, I might be able to supply you with space and a streaming flash player if you want :) How much space/bandwidth does ROTA pull a month?
agingyouth: it works fine for most people, considering 19mb is relatively small for one of our shows. you can always stream it in your browser if you want. or subscribe to it with itunes or some other podcatcher. but ill def look into an app to stream the files.

superkicky: i PMed you. =)
hey man. you should totally switch your hair back to green. it owned. haha. and yea no problem. thanks to you guys for giving us a shout-out the other night too.