Elec. Guitar!!!


New member
Hi, I've been playing the classical guitar for a while n want to change to electric.. Do i really have to be pro in classical first b4 i can move on to electric guitar?? Wad's the difference ar?? Which elec guitar do u recommend for a beginner like me?? Pls advise.. Thks..
You not need to be a professional to play a electric guitar... just look at linkin park and blinking 182. They are as shitty as our coffee shop toliets.

The different between classical and electric is that you have a more narrow neck to play with. The strings is steel. And you need to plug it through a amp to sound it. There's is lots of different between these 2 and each got its own trades.

I recommend you to get the squire beginner package. It got a good guitar, good amp and has everything that let you get ready to rock and roll. You can go to swee lee and ask them about this package.
I mean is there much difference in the techniques of playing?? Cos both have six strings n e same no. of frets.. except for the sounds definitely.. Btw thks for ur advice..
Techniques might be different but some still apply. From my experience, classical guitar playing and training builds finger strength so that you'll be better suited to chording or picking in absolute weird and tough positions. Fundamentals still apply. But naturally you'll find it easier to play on an electric, not to mention a more comfortable neck.
Lifehouse said:
With classical background, personally you will be at an advantage when improvising and creating textures.

Quite a few of the metal shred masters comes from classical background. But still up to the individual. Most elec player in Spore, just jump into playing starting from elec. Find a git to suit your style is very important.

I have quite a few 2nd hand guitars if you are interested. Just come down to test them out, no obligation. My contact 97337161.

classical guitarist and electric guitarist are two different type of guitar players although you might say they both are guitar players. However music is about sound and with that comes the difference. There are people who like classical music and there are people who like rock. For me I like both but I lean on rock more. So you said you want to switch to electric, for me it won't be very hard for you since you already know how to play the quitar. The only thing that will change is the style of music so before you go and pick your electric guitar I suggest that you select the type of music you want (be it rock or pop) and then hear their style. Then look for a electric guitar that will sound the same as your fave music. as Mikemann said you can try out his guitars free of charge. Then buy. I suggest if you can just rent from somebody and try it out say for a month or so and then decide. I have many friends who due to impulsiveness bought their axe and guitar effects only to find that it is not what they want.
Well, having classical background is very good. Gives you alot in terms of theory and technique.

I agree though, that it needs time to adjust your 'feel' of the instrument as the elec. has alot of quirks like string buzzes, feedback, hum that you need to take into account.

I disagree about the 'select your style' thing though. Its really a personal thing though, learning rock has really degraded my understanding of music, from notation to harmony as I tend to rely alot on tabs, and alot of rock songs are fairly simple....(although they are really fun to jam)

Having said this, the electric can do alot of complex stuff too from classical (think yngwie) to blues and Jazz ( i feel is the epitome of music).

So best is to keep to own interests, learn new styles but don't give up your fundamentals in classical music/guitar!!
my opinion on this- the electric guitar is a rewarding experience especially if you look forward to further your interest on guitar per se, more so if you have a foundation in playing to start off with.

i started on accoustic, but the electric propelled me in leaps because it's easier to play especially with the assistance of overdrive & the electric guitar being less restrictive physically. 8)

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