effects,..do i need more?


New member
HI All,

just a quick inquiry,.....
I have a:

active bass-->planetwavestuner-->hartkebassattack-->bassballs-->ODB-3-->CE2B-->Echo

that is how my effects is set up,...
do I still need more? like those really in need?

im thinking of EBS multi-comp or Demeter compulator,...

anyone tried these pdeals?

kindly help advise,.....any advise will be appreciated,..
advise like,..."throw your odb-3,..its useless,...replace it with a ,..." will also do,.



you are right on that one rottenramone,....
but my strings cost a fortune!
im using elixirs 5 strings,....cost me $80 a set,..

any advise on the demeter compulator and/or ebs multi comp?
another thing,...

i know this has been asked a thousand times,...
which internet shops is trustworthy if ordering online?

While waiting for softies to reply, you may want to check talkbass. Many of the members there regularly buy from online shops.
it is not subjective. the answer is


get the pedals. don't let others' (lack of) fx usage limit your own fx usage. the use of fx in your rig is limited to your own creativity, not other people's creativity

enough of my shit. the multi comp and the opto-compulator are among the top pedal compressors out there. but they definitely are not both the top 2. if more people bought truly boutique effects, it would make things more interesting 8)
another thing,...

i know this has been asked a thousand times,...
which internet shops is trustworthy if ordering online?


Tonefactor's a good one. Have ordered a few times from them. They've got the lowest shipping around.


And in response to your query, the answer is "YES". There's no reason not to. Everything we have is a tool to create music. Why limit yourself to just a few when you have a whole array of options in front to you. Experiment, keep what you like. You never know unless you try.
Thanks Shinobi!
Thanks 5Stringwonder!

I'll be going down later to blackwoods to try both the demeter and the ebs,...
i saw one on display the other day,...

i'll check out tonefactor,.. :-)

any other "must-have effects"?
my hartke bass attack is always ON,..
the EQ i borrowed also is ON,..

any other must haves?

Thanks again!