HI All,
just a quick inquiry,.....
I have a:
active bass-->planetwavestuner-->hartkebassattack-->bassballs-->ODB-3-->CE2B-->Echo
that is how my effects is set up,...
do I still need more? like those really in need?
im thinking of EBS multi-comp or Demeter compulator,...
anyone tried these pdeals?
kindly help advise,.....any advise will be appreciated,..
advise like,..."throw your odb-3,..its useless,...replace it with a ,..." will also do,.

just a quick inquiry,.....
I have a:
active bass-->planetwavestuner-->hartkebassattack-->bassballs-->ODB-3-->CE2B-->Echo
that is how my effects is set up,...
do I still need more? like those really in need?
im thinking of EBS multi-comp or Demeter compulator,...
anyone tried these pdeals?
kindly help advise,.....any advise will be appreciated,..
advise like,..."throw your odb-3,..its useless,...replace it with a ,..." will also do,.
