Effect pedal Power supply.


New member
Hi everyone, i was wondering if i could use some cheap power supply from those normal hardware stall. Its like brandless. China made i guess. I was thinking if it works the same for my effect pedals.
Anyone can help me out with this ?
Thanks in advance.
technically, if able to find one that match the power spec of the pedals and regulated, it can be used. But if totally having no idea on matching the spec or reading those value, then imho, paying for a proper pedals power supply would be a better idea.

Hehe, last thing wanna, is to save money, using those, end up blowing the adaptor or worst case, cause damage to pedals. But of course, if knowing the risk and still wanna take the risk, by all mean use a universal adaptor, but dont feel sad when something aint going right lah..
the recommendation, others will fill in on the couple common one round here, give them some time to chip in.

In the mean time, you might like to list out the effect(using 9v, 12 v or 18 v, dc or ac etc) you will be using so that others can recommend a suitable one that matches your need.
If you require daisy-chaining, the Biyang has a good adaptor for the price.

Built in daisy chain for 5 pedals.

Most would recommend a One-Spot adaptor by Visual Sound. Good adaptor with lots of accessories, but it has mixed reviews regarding the durability and noise issues; whilst at the same time receiving praises on its durability and lack of noise. Contradictory no?

Also Godlyke has another reliable adaptor-type PSU.

If you have more cash, and are more particular about isolated outputs (perhaps due to fuzz), Fuel Tank Jr is a good PSU for the price.

Or if you're particularly into these sorta thing; look at Fuel Tank Chameleon, BBE Supa Charger, Voodoo Labs Pedal Power, or even the Gig-Rig products.
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I actually like the One-Spot. It's decent power supply, it goes for around 35 bucks with daisy chain. Fuel Tank Jr costs around 100 secondhand, no?
Sry but whats the diff between AC and DC ?

It's the name of a band "ACDC", damnit! LOL...

Alternating current and direct current. AC is like your home electrical power. DC is like your battery. I thought they teach this in school???

Using inappropriate power supplies can fry your gear, even wrong polarity (+/-) can fry your gear. Just get a proper power supply. It can last a long long time.
I was lost when my dad told me a long story abt power. I just asked a simple question..
SO i d cided to trust SOFT Teehee~ .
Thanks anyway bro.
hehe, sometime, the answer to simple question is never simple at all, especially when not having any prior knowledge of the subject. Physic/enegineering can be subject thats wrriten in many text and taught in school, if it can be simple, it wouldnt be presented in those ways.

Anyway, next time if in doubt, try searching online first, theres whole lot sites dedicated to physic/engineering subject. Infact, the link i posted, was the first few results through google. I posted that coz its pretty simple explanation of ac and dc, imho.
I can give you additional information for power supplies.

There are two types of pedals:
1. pedals that run on AC
2. pedals that run on DC

the second type is more common than the first one. AC means alternating current, and DC means direct current and they are both fundamentally different. using an adaptor suitable for AC type of pedal on DC pedal will not work, and may even damage the pedal.

The china made power supplies that you have is probably a converter of AC signal to DC signal, which is what you need. (mind you, the signal from the wall sockets is AC by default. why? it's a long explanation, but if you are interested i can tell you)

On whether you should us the 'generic' power supplies or ones that are branded and come from the pedals manufacturers depends entirely on you, but here are some of the considerations:

1. each pedal draws certain amount of current. for example, your dyna comp draws probably around 1.6mA. what you really have to check is the maximum current drawn allowable of the 'generic' power supply that you are going to use. it is normally stated in te label on top of the adaptor itself. the total current drawn must not be beyond this value when added together. if it does, it may damage your pedals, or they simply will not operate.

2. regulated/unregulated. the 'generic' power supply that you are going to use is unregulated, meaning for each pedal, there is no limitation on how much current that will go at any point of time. the thing about power supplies and electricity is that, they sometime experience current surge. while too low current will render the pedals useless (non-operational), too much current will fry your internal circuit of your pedal and damage it. of course this does not happen very often, especially in singapore (SP does its job pretty well in controlling the fluctuation of the current). but it does happen sometimes. so if you plan to use unregulated power supply, be mindful of the risk.

3. noise level. the difference in noise level between high quality power supplies and 'generic' power supplies is very stark. especially if u are using drive pedals and/or compressors. if you are a bedroom player and are able to tolerate the noise levels, go ahead. but if not, then you know what to choose.

lastly, there is a website that is full of extensive information on power supplies, but unfortunately it happens to slip my mind. it is in the forum somewhere. if any of the other guys can give the site name, it will be of great help, thanks!.

having said that, for small pedal boards like yours, i recommend a boss PSA unit. it is very quiet, reliable and relatively cheap (less than 30 dollars for 200mA maximum current). onespot is indeed very famous for its cheap price and large current capacity (1500mA if i'm not mistaken), but it is noisy.

i hope it helps.
I've been looking for a 1spot 9v adapter. Where I can find those? and also a reverse polarity converter?
Sorry to highjack, but where can I get an 18V power adaptor? I bought a MXR Doubleshot Distortion off a SOFTie and it didn't come with an adaptor. Thought I could get it at the hardware store but apparently, they don't sell it

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