Well, I have enczema too! Used to be quite bad, on all joints and my neck but after the visit to the NSC, it has been reduced to just a small patch on the back on my left knee and occasional dry skin on my face/neck. However, this recovery also takes time and my suggestion to you, though this may sound harsh, is to keep yourself from playing till you are completely cured.
In may case my skin reacted every time I ate certain seafood or came in contact with dog/cat fur. So as much as I love playing with animals and eating seafood, I forced myself to restrain from doing so until I was completely cured.
Another suggestion to you is that you might want to be in a more dry environment more often or in a more air-conditioned environment. Not sure whether it's the same in your case but I find that my out breaks usually happen when I start sweating etc. So during that period I tried to keep myself as cool as possible. Some sweat is fine, but not too much.
Hope this helps you and that you recover quickly!