EBS OctaBass


New member
EBS OctaBass,

am currently using fender Jazz m.i.j. + MXR bass d.i

does it produce a sound that is close the the double bass if i route it in?

i've read some reviews that it would not be able to catch the lower notes of the bass.

any idea? help me~
to achieve an upright bass sound, you're better off stuffing a sponge bwt the bridge and pickup and get your strings as mucky as possible. and pluck where the neck meets the body
Rest thumb on the bottom left edge of fretboard. Pluck using left side of index and middle finger near to finger nail. It looks like walking Bass plucking at 45 degrees. (Natural Technique no EFX)
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hmm tried it... any idea wad can i do with the tone knob? should i cut it half? cos i sounds... kinda bright for a "upright bass tone"
i normally use either of the following 2 when i want to do a really jazz jam:
1) p bass with flats. tone pot all the way down. pluck at the neck.
2) fretless j. neck pickup only. tone adjusted to taste.

the ebs octabass gives you an octave below the fundamental note. won't sound like a double bass because it's only a single octave note that it produces.

Sorry for not really answering your question, but:
The best double bass sound not coming for a double bass I have ever heard comes from an Ashbory Bass.

Biggest disadvantage being that there is only one Ashbory player in Singapore (me) which makes it difficult to get silicon strings, but this will be the topic for my second post in this forum ;-)

For your reference:

Sorry for not really answering your question, but:
The best double bass sound not coming for a double bass I have ever heard comes from an Ashbory Bass.

Biggest disadvantage being that there is only one Ashbory player in Singapore (me) which makes it difficult to get silicon strings, but this will be the topic for my second post in this forum ;-)

For your reference:


wow the bass looks damn cool lar. where u got it... i've nv seen it before...
Either get a fretless with flatwound strings or switch to tapewound strings.

The EBS Octabass will NOT get you a double bass sound.
Easy enough to describe, it plays a note one octave lower than what you're playing at the same time. So essentially its like you're plucking 2 strings at once.

I found that for single notes it tracks ok but when it comes to chords, it fails despite its claims to the contrary. Only the POG/Micro POG does really well at tracking chords. Of cos its way expensive!