Ebay anyone?

I've bought heaps of stuff from ebay when I lived in aus, nothing overseas except for a mobile phone lcd which was imported from thailand, that took about 3-4 days which was pretty good considering international airmail.
thor666 said:
did u unbolt ur neck? for shipping savings and safety reasons i decided to ask the seller to unbolt the guitar.

Hmm..I haven't finished my transaction actually. Have not paid him yet. But goin to soon.

Hmm..Unbolt the neck... i never thought of that.. Hmm...I dun't think i know how to fix the neck..hehe..just afraid its not straight or etc..Is there any steps to follow ??
hmm actually if the guitar hasn't any problems u can just screw back the neck (not too tightly) and that's about it. otherwise u'll have to do adjustments - many types - which is really too complex to discuss here.

either way... imo unbolting the neck is safer... you'll probably still have to do a set up after u get ur guitar. if u personally don't do set ups, you can bring the guitar to a pro to set it up and bolt ur guitar in the process. Be sure to give him an idea what gauge string u use, how u want ur action to be, etc.
stars said:
no offense ... i wanted to get a stingray badly from ebay but after i read Ed roman's anti ebay posts ... i was put off ..

that's why i avoid big brands.

really, after scouting ebay for near to 3 months, the stuff i've bookmarked are not branded Fenders, Gibsons etc. I've been looking at the forgotten guitars (Ibanez Roadstars, Aria Pro IIs, Washburn Mercury, Fernandes LE strats and teles) and to an extent, lawsuit guitars. I'm rather skeptical about lawsuit guitars though (no idea how seller might shortchange me) so yeah, lesser-Brands rock.
Seller just emailed me the shipping ID after going out of town for a few days. i've checked and it's on its way... :D
i ordered several guitar parts from ebay (from 3 different auction).
All arrived safely to singapore within 2-3 weeks.
bongman said:
eBay - gamble purchase?

hmm... i prefer to think of it as managed risk. :)

i know of people who are selling whatever they got from ebay for high prices than what they bought. for those who feel that it's unfair, well think again.

everytime that seller purchases from ebay, he takes with him a fair amount of risk throughout the whole transaction, from shipping damages/lost, to item not received/significantly not as described. it takes many purchases for him to breakeven first. even after that, selling may be a problem as demand may fluctuate in the local market.

i don't think it's unfair for him to markup his price as a personal business in that sense. also, anyone can buy from ebay, but they don't because of the risk involved. so i think it is fair for the seller to put a value to his risk taking and mark up.
ok... my washburn mg finally hit the sands of singapore and to my home.

came in a rectangular package:


parcel insured:


guitar was in bad cosmetic condition. so much for the ebay photos ehi fixed up the guitar neck with body and stuff. took a long time.




small dent. no biggie.


headstock looks like it was colored with black markers. dang.


heavily scratched by owner. the folks at Guitar Workshop offered to make a new pickguard for $50 though. :D amazing.


SD Invader, Hot Rails, Screaming Demon. I can't get their true tones out on my Trace Elliot Brat though - everything sounds generic with distortion on that amp! think it's about time to change an amp...

one major boo-boo was that the owner sent the guitar for setup and maintenance. apparently the luther didn't know what he was doing and soldered the capacitor on the tone on the WRONG point. (so turning the tone knob would result in complete shunting of frequences or no shunting.)

overall pretty happy with my purchase. but the cosmetic differences from the pics on ebay really do make me feel that what bongman said is true - ebay is a gamble purchase, especially with sellers that are "unofficial".

i guess we have to face it... I got my guitar, not in the best condition, and i still gave the seller a positive feedback anyway (still satisfied with overall package). this makes the seller able to sell anything at less than described condition if everyone does the same. in short, yes, feedback can be deceiving in ebay.
haha... really?

well i think my friend was more lucky... he got a second hand fender JV from a more "trusted" ebay seller.

if anything, try to buy from these sellers. i think at least they won't ship below expectations since they have more of a reputation to take care of.
After bout a week of waiting.Mine finally arrived. Was about to have a nap when the postman came knocking at my door. Came in a big box wit Package peanuts like crazy and 3 items wrapped in bubble bag inside.


Big Flat Box


Had a hard time searching for the guitar in the peanuts





Well. Overall I was very dissapointed with the guitar and very dissatisfied. I was expecting a brand new condition looking guitar as stated by the seller. There were no dings no chips but surface scracthed preety badly. Thats how i find it though. Im a very particular person.

The floyd was kinda bad.Busted abit.I took it out unscrew everyting and are yet to get fixed back. The neck Lock was missing as well.A washer at the 1st string tuner was also missing. THe whammy bar that came along was not official also! IT WAS CHROME IN COLOUR! The whole guitar's hardware was in black.

It's still not fixed.THe neck is still not screwed.I had trouble screwing it back. I thought of refinishing the body also. Aniways I need some opinions and recommendations to what i could do with it. I thought of sending to Guitar Connection or G77 for a setup or sumting. I'm really not good at this.
:( :( :(
Mine is similarly wrapped like urs... peanuts and stuff.

for starters you could email the ebayer stating ur findings and your opinions (in a polite manner, of course). If the ebayer has a high feedback rating he'll probably not want to risk it. You might want to ask for a partial refund or anything that he could do to compensate you. If he comes hostile or anything, it's your choice to leave negative feedback or just let it pass.

After which, then consider the following plans of action:

If you need to buy the locking nuts can get from davis. Note: Try the whole damn nuts. The auntie only let me try the screw last time... went home found it couldn't fit. Had to ask my dad to file it thinner.

Screwing the neck back - make sure each screw is exactly the one it was at each side, else there's a chance it would fit one hole but not the other.

Refinishing - you could find Guitar Workshop. I chanced upon them while going to the guitar shops at bras brasah... it's at level 3... at a corner shop. Bring your guitar over and see what they can do to help you. I brought my guitar that day... the Indian (luther?) offered to make a new pickguard for my badly scratched one and buffer the body to remove the obvious scratches.

Setting up - i'm not sure who's good at setting up. i do my own setups but i do admit i'm a bit screwed at setting up if the guitar is significantly screwed. The Washburn I got was pretty well set up to begin with (i can't get it to sustain well at the higher frets thou) so i didn't have to call the doc.

P.S. for the tremolo bar, could you let me have a look or something? mine came floyd rose gold colored without one... if it fits my tremolo bar i'll gladly buy it from you. (or buy u a replacement tremolo bar.)
Thanks alot for your reply! Umm my floyd is the one with the screw thread for your info. You have to turn turn turn. Haha. Ol' Skool. If yours that type

i dunt mind passing it to you. If possible u got any friends who have a black tremolo arm with screw threads also who doesnt use it, maybe we could trade??

I've sent the guitar to guitar connection for setting up. I decided not to refinish it. Actually i wanted but im really tight on financial terms. Maybe I'll do it one day when i have enof. :D
think mine is also the one with screw threading...

i went over all the major stores... didn't have Gold trem bars. hmm u got a pic of your chrome bar? PM me or sth? need to see if it's the same color as the floyd rose.

if it is i don't mind buying u a new black one. :)

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