ear damage?


New member
not sure if you guys gonna understand what im saying..but yea here it is.

few days ago i read on the papers or somewhere said that ear phones can cause ear damage as the music is competing with the ambiance sound such as traffic or bus engines and all that .

so i thinking if wearing those rubber isolation earpiece will reduce or increase the risk of ear damage since the sound is transmitted to the eardrum.

or is using those earphone which has space between the ear is the best?

cause i really wanna prevent my ear from suffering as i listen to music almost 4 hour per day.

thanks for reading this! and thank you :D
you mean in-ears? yeah they're supposed to block out sound coming from the surrounding areas. dunno about earphones. but i know and you could get tinnitus(like jeff beck) by playing really loud and standing near those killer 100w tube full stacks at arenas.
excessive and prolonged usage of anything will result in damage, even before the in earss, there were already report of earphone, headphone usage causing hearing issues.

its not about in ears or any other gadget. Its how long and how loud do you listen to your music on average over a nongnong period of time that does it.

instead of hardware, how about lowering volume of music and less listening to music if you are really worried..
dun think i can do the less listening to music, cause its the ultimate pleasure in my life, but anyone know if those in ear phones does more harm then regular phones?
if what they advertise is true, then yes.
they're supposed to block out sound coming from the surrounding areas
this will let you listen at a lower volume, less vibrations into your eardrum altogether, from the environment and the earphones, saving your eardrums.
in fact, i also pondered about this for quite awhile, but rather spend the earphone money buying another pedal :lol:
yeah,with in-ears I started listening to my MP3 at a lower volume..I mean,you NEED to listen to it softly..but bus rides irritating la..but yeah,I don't go as loud as when I use the normal earphones..

I did ask this question in another thread..well,ear damage is scary...
i really wanna prevent my ear from suffering as i listen to music almost 4 hour per day.

haha. dude, there are so many people listening to more than just 4 hours per day.
i heard people say using those huge, good headphones is best because its not really blasting direct to your ear drums.
yeah,thats what alot of people say about the huge headphones...but even if you listen to that excessively..it will still be the same as blasting it to your eardrum...coz it ALREADY IS blasting your eardrums (considering most headphone people crank up their volumes)

well,if you listen to more than 4 hours on music on the radio through the speakers it's ok...coz it's not concentrated to your eardrums..
Better to listen to 1 hour less of loud music than to go deaf for the later part of your life. Keep the volume low. As long as you can enjoy it, it should be good enough.
dun think my ears will spoil...i only on lvl 1 volume on my creative muvo player and listen for at most 1 hr a day, but its normally no listen to about 20mins of listening on a typical day.
haha well 1 is for on the street...or on the train, but it wont work anymore when the train goes into a tunnel, or when the bus is very noisy, then gotta increase accordingly. Some old recordings like simon and garfunkel, gotta on louder too, cos the recording itself is very soft.
yeah i max up my ipod too, those rhcp recordings really are loud esp with chad's drumming, although i mostly listen to hendrix.

anyone who uses those in-ear phones? do they really do a good job in blocking out sound?
we guitarists always suffer the most...
while our band drummers get the most protection as they wear headphones...
lol... "guitarist does live show with earplugs on!"
Well, according to the phenomenon of sound, if you are listening music and hanging around at an environment which the sound level is about 80db, more than 8 hours, you will suffer from ear damage.

Rock concert, at a loudness of 120db, not more than 3-4 hours.

To those who went for Dream Theater concert, if you realise, the show was about 3 hours long. You can feel your ears ringing even after you left the stadium for like 2 hours.

Why not get a pair of ear plugs while jamming? Anyway, without your ears, you can't jam or listen the music you love right? Protect them like protecting your life. :P
to suckasucks: i have in-ear earphones and yes as my box states(Creative EP-635 in case you were interested) it does block out about 70% of the noise outside as promised so it works like a charm in buses. I can be in a NOISY bus and listen to my Zen Neeon at below 28 which i find is really good..but i have to say it does its job too well sometimes. For example, on the road you can't hear if a car is coming so have to be alert and i was in a taxi once and the driver kept asking me for direction and i didn't realise till he turned around to ask so yea gotta be alert if you use in-ear.

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