Ead n dhalif - Blues in F

ead's tone is awesome!

psionic said:
couldn't have said it better... but it looks like a few individuals is in total denial of this....cheers :wink:

who? who? i know someone like that too :lol: who doesnt miss a chance to jump in and insinuate that Lif is only good for shred. ahh watever.

LIF ROCKS! :smt023
lif is only good for shred!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! boooooooooo lif! :X

okie kiddin'.........

Anyway....for the tone hor....i totally forgotten how to set it on the AX1500...i tried to redo it again...it just sounded different.... :\

Maybe it's just in the fingers and mood durin' the time I played...*shrugz*...

:) Thanks fer the compliment anyway..it's either good settin' for AX1500..or nice sound from my fralins on my zion ;)
man .. it was great man .. got this on my mp3 player already .

gd stuff from both u 2 !

keep the recordings coming man . maybe try a swing this time ?haha
hmm ... nice ... how about a beer to goes along with it ? :lol:

there's this pub at boat quey or clake quey that play Blues ? go buy a beer and u can goes on stage and jam ... ;)
SpaTanS said:
hmm ... nice ... how about a beer to goes along with it ? :lol:

there's this pub at boat quey or clake quey that play Blues ? go buy a beer and u can goes on stage and jam ... ;)

Actors at boat quay.. really cool pub.. impromptu jams..

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