during jamming...


New member
when someone says "Play an original" what do you do?

1)ask what song????
2)just play anything in random
3)think of a song and then nail it with another song so that it sounds 'original'
4)wait for the drum q and then start to play simple riffs.
5)ask the bass to start if off and then you fill in
6)ask what the fck is original?
simple.. come out with chords, get the whole band to play along.. then each take turns to do an 8 bar or 16 bar solo... improves creativity.. and for the vox.. ask him/ her to just come out with lyrics on the spot...
Original? For my case I would write down the pop scores with lyrics, get my bandmates together and start to brainstorm together as well as bringing along an acoustic guitar. Rather than sitting in a jamming studio caught unaware.
i dunno abt 'play an original'... but in those 'play anything' situations i'll play a chord progression on the guitar and repeat it until the entire band gets the groove comes in (gradually).

i prefer the rhythm section (drums or bass) to start with a beat though, and work from there.

most of the time it just ends up with loads of guitar wankery though :oops: everyone likes to channel their inner page/hendrx/evh once in a while
RazrAsh said:
come out with chords, get the whole band to play along.. then each take turns to do an 8 bar or 16 bar solo... improves creativity.. and for the vox.. ask him/ her to just come out with lyrics on the spot...

this what my class do when we are learning how to do recording and we didn't plan any song....hahaha

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