Drumming Questions


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Hi fellow softies!... I am soon going to learn drums. But 1st, i wan to know do i need to learn theory? From young i do not noe how to read music notes so in drumming is there music notes to read? Or is it only tabs, i have seen tabs in DrumBum.com they are all kinds of circle, x and many symbols. I am afraid that i will learn different types of things as others and one day i join a band then all the tabs are different. Btw wad are the reconized drum grading centres?
Reading proper notations are really not that difficult. My new students usually are able to start sight-reading within the first 2 lessons.

There are many advantages with learning to read proper notations...just to bring up some reasons that're on top of my head now:-

1) Most professional band directors will throw charts at your face when time is short on rehearsals.

2) Most of the top drumming materials are written the proper way, so if you're set on only reading taps (xoxoxox) you'll be the one losing out on all those precious educational material.

3) You can easily shrink a whole piece of music with grooves, fills, hits and more into one A4 size of paper while keeping the font sizes very readable!

All the best!
Hi fellow softies!... I am soon going to learn drums. But 1st, i wan to know do i need to learn theory? From young i do not noe how to read music notes so in drumming is there music notes to read? Or is it only tabs, i have seen tabs in DrumBum.com they are all kinds of circle, x and many symbols. I am afraid that i will learn different types of things as others and one day i join a band then all the tabs are different. Btw wad are the reconized drum grading centres?

hi MusicPebbles,

leanring Music theory will definatly help you in many ways in future. In drums.. there are Drum Scores to Follow, you might not want to follow it entirely, you might wana consider being creative...alternatively, If there are No drum scores. you can Improvise from the score charts of the band..i.e. the horn section, the keys...etc etc... By knowing the melody and applying the rhythm to what best suits the melody. All this once you have mastered or pretty much got the idea of whats happening sight reading wise.

having said all that..as much as sight reading is important..being creative is ALSO important...finding your voice.... finding your style...there are a few well known drummers..who may not be proficient in reading scores like the greats such as Vinnie or steve gadd but are still making beautiful music and playing awesome drums, it is possible to play drums and be good at it at the same time to enjoy it without worrying about what to play, the key here is to listen and play the drums sometimes in a musical way but not in a drummy type of way.

what im saying is.. if you have the passion for music and drums.. work hard at it..but at the same time DONt forget to ENJOY it.. dont let it become a worry.

having said that dont think too much. just remember..there are fundimentals in everything...get thru that and the rest will follow thru, even if it means..playing to your favourite songs, air drumming to it, by all means.

dont be restricted by the rules. music and rhythm is expression, express it anyway you want. Innovate, calculate and create. playing in a band is good and will accelerate your learning curve on drums. do it..dont be afraid..if you fall get up and try again, there will be lots of people that will try to tell you what to do..and what NOT to do.. follow your heart.. DONT be disheartened if you cant do a groove, a fill or that blazing fast rolls or blazing double bass work, work on it..the most important thing is to enjoy it.

music and rhythm is a life long learning process... we NEVER stop learning. You will one day find what works for you and what doesnt, what you like..and what you dont. as much as try to be an all rounder, theres a fine line between being and all rounder and being the jack of all trades and master of none. sometimes..its best to work on your strengths and what you love..again it all depends on what you're looking for..to be in a band or be a sessionist. You will thru time find out what is important and what is not based on your own belief. Good Luck and enjoy.

"dont close your mind to great possibilities" - Virgil Donati
Virgildonati.com - Virgil Donati's Official Website!

P.S. join the messageboard Virgil Donati Messageboard - powered by vBulletin been there since 2003.. and have also learnt a few things from those guys on the board. They are really nice. have fun. see you on board, my nick is Milo Porto
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Oops, just realised I missed out on one of your questions. In Singapore the graded exams are from Trinity Guild Hall (the Rock School Syllabus). You can buy the books from Robert Pianos....there's a branch in the city...2nd floor Milenia Walk. However, in my opinion, these grading exams are really not what you should be concern about unless you're hoping to further your studies in music later overseas and hope to join MOE as a music teacher etc etc....this has got nothing to do with being a good musician, so remember not to lump them both together. If drumming is your passion, then you should first think within drumming and music itself.....

Most importantly, if you're new to drumming, I would seek your instructor's guidance first as to where to begin. Ground work may be boring at first but utterly crucial since it gives you the foundation to be able to further your own learning later on. You wouldn't want to be stuck with having a need for instructors all your life! Always achieve to be able to self-teach....only then you would be able to slowly discover yourself....All the best!
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hi.. i also jus learnt drumming and i am wondering if there is any books on drum tunings? or should i buy a drum tuner?
hi.. i also jus learnt drumming and i am wondering if there is any books on drum tunings? or should i buy a drum tuner?

You can actually find many resources on the net. For example, the Drum Tuning Bible is a free and comprehensive website that teaches you how to tune your drums: Drum Tuning Bible

And about the drum tuner, they mostly only measure tension, I haven't used it before so I'm not really sure if its actually useful.