Drum Mic Or Normal Standard Mic ?


New member
guys I've been thinking of buying mic for my bass drum but i nt sure which mic should i get. i seen those mic for bass drum and it cost damn expensive. can i buy those cheap standard mic for my bass drum ? i saw a Philip Brand mic cost around 13 bucks and i thinking of buying it. Can the normal standard mic work on bass drum ?
Yes and no.

Your budget Philip mic will probably not survive, but a 'standard' mic like the SM 57/58 is pretty versatile and can be used for all sorts of things (almost!), even kick drums.

You need a mic that can handle high SPLs (Sound Pressure Level), etc...

To properly record a bass drum you need a mic that first of all can handle the incredible pressure caused by the bass drum. Also you need to have a mic that can accurately record the low end frequencies.

If you can afford wasting $13, there's no harm trying.

But the real question you should try to answer is this: What are you trying to achieve?

Then, see what the possible solutions are.

My two unprofessional cents :)
haha thx for reply but i'm not using it for recording. i just using it to make it louder and sound better. cuz when i JAM i cant here my bass drum. so if i use for make it louder and sound better ( like give it abit punchy sound ) i can use any kind of mic ?
normally people mic kick drums for live performances or recording purposes. other than that you don't really need to hear your kick drum if you're the one playing it.

like weckl-x said, you'll need a large diaphragm mic which is able to take high SPL in order to mic kick drums. a 13-dollar mic sadly, isn't gonna do a GOOD job or even last. if you only want to use it to hear yourself then by all means. but if it's for recording etc, i suggest you spend the money.
Maybe you can try using a woofer or something like that. Get another large drum, like another bass, and put it behind your current bass. It'll resonate together. That might help you a bit.