DRM-free music on iTunes


Staff member
Hopefully we will get iTunes in Singapore sooooon. The DRM industry is going to be in trouble if DRM-free is the fashion to be.


High-quality, DRM-free music.

iTunes Plus is the new standard on iTunes.
Now, you can choose from millions of iTunes Plus songs from all four major music labels and thousands of independents. With iTunes Plus, you get high-quality, 256-Kbps AAC encoding. All free of burn limits and digital rights management (DRM). So iTunes Plus music will play on iPod, Apple TV, all Mac and Windows computers, and many other digital music players. It’s also easy to upgrade your iTunes library to iTunes Plus. You don’t have to buy the song or album again. Just pay the 30¢ per song upgrade price. (Music video upgrades are 60¢ and entire albums can be upgraded for 30 percent of the album price.)

iTunes is great as a music player on the computer, but i seriously feel that they should upgrade their audio drivers on their iPod. It's not that fantastic and a lot of music devices aren't compatible with iTunes.

and from what i'm reading between iTunes and iTunes Plus... =/ Same difference
I find it ridiculous to ask your customers to pay again for something that they already paid for , even if it's just 30 cents. There is no upgrade here, it's just the removal of a much maligned and criticized feature i.e. DRM that they finally realized doesn't work. So you are basically paying for them to remove that mistake.

Also AAC is an apple proprietary format, they are trying to make it the standard by forcing all mp3 player makers to adopt it. Why not sell your songs in MP3 format which ensures it will play in ANY media player?

I will keep buying from Amazon MP3 store, already has non-DRM 256kpbs mp3s available.
not rly. I always rip mine out at 320kbps at a VBR :p
good quality, but freaking big files

and there are ways to bypass the DRM. a lot of these programs that rip the CDs out (I use one myself: Easy CD-DA Extractor 10) can bypass the DRM. I've ripped out a lot of tracks from such CDs :p