Dream theater clip (VHT content)

Nice.Need to control the bass level.
Damn,i missed mine.
Thnk for the PM.Look forward for more clips.
Very nice attempt! I'm not sure where did you placed your mic, cos it sounded muffled like recorded from a distance?

From what i can make out of it, the tone during the rhythm parts are thick and massive like hell. Lead tone isn't my cuppa tea, i suppose same settings for both rhythm and lead?
The sound has enough balls to it. But, i feel you need to place the guitar slightly louder in the mix with more high mids. Perhaps, the guitar is not loud enough in the mix for the sound to shine through. Solo also needs to be much thicker in sound.

Should still be a really exciting rig to play through.
hey man dunno if u had edited the clip..
but i din hear the bass and the not so gd part that some were saying..

i think its a good and useable tone..anyway if you like that tone..
just go for it..

what i wanna know is how u record it...direct, miking any plugins use..??
its a cool take...i think the tone is very much influence by your cabs voicing..

bro might wanna try play ard with cab sim...
karloff: thanks for listening. i wanted to try for a really thick sound on this track since most people (myself included) have the impression that marshalls are very midrangey. i boosted the bass response on my preamp and poweramp to pretty high levels

edo: i placed my mic very close to the speaker grille. the mic was pointed 45 degrees off axis but parallel to one of the speaker cones. probably its because of too much bass which makes it sound too muffled

nano: thanks, the next clip i record will definitely have more mids included. for the solo i added a little more mids and switched to the neck pickup to try to make it sound fuller

penguin: the latest clip was posted yesterday morning. the first one was pretty horrible in retrospect. i did a direct micing of my cab using a sm57 into a firewire solo and into my laptop. i didnt mix or do anything else (im not good with recording stuff)

thanks guys again for listening ! :D
Hey its always nice to hear people playing dream theater! but I think you have to work on the solo, not as in being able to play accurately, but being to play with feeling (like adding phrasing and vibrato), which I thought was lacking. It would be better if you added delay to your lead tho. keep playing!
Great job!
Thanks for shareing :)

ANY-one that takes the time to learn DT songs is COOL :)

and to be able to pull it off, WOW! (I'm not worthy)
8fingermadness: thanks for the tips. i do admit the solo was a little over the top for me. its my first dream theater song i learnt and i definitely have to work on articulating the notes clearly and adding more expressiveness

rg: thanks for listening, hope to do more justice to more dt songs in the future :)