DRAGONFORCE Live In Singapore 20th May 2007 Sunday 7pm

well perhaps I'm ignorant, or I cant read our people's faces properly.
...my bad!

the my chemical romance part was quite funny... hahaha.
Memorable gig, really memorable gig.
Had loads of fun - waited out back for the band later too and got pictures with herman and Sam!

what a night :)
Awesome show...after the show we took a couple of pictures with Herman and Fred, and then managed to get through the barrier thing...we went upstairs to where their dressing room was and just chatted with the band for about an hour and a half! Sam as drunk somewhere, but the rest came out and hung out with us for ages. Really nice down to earth guys.
lol the kid that did the thing with his shirt was my friend adzor.. lol i went with him and this other guy but we just ditched each other. i managed to get right at the barrier where i helped some guys pull the singer into the croud when we walked past us lol. awesome show but i think it was gay how they had to have slayers "raining blood" open the show. its an awesome song but they shold of had dragonforce playing first.
nothing i love slayer its just that they should have had their own song playing instead of slayer for the big opening
oh quite a lot of things fell into the mosh pit and smash goes 'em... haha handphones, cameras etc...

now my camera is currently being serviced... -_-"

it was fun but i think the moshers weren't really interested in the music at the rate they were going...

in the middle of through the fire and flames when sam was doing the main riff, it sounded way off and he was making this werid distorted drunk face while the band started at him... haha every1 was also silent at the moment...

any 1 noticed the blue ring herman was wearing? how does he do that wah wow thing when he waves his hand?
Hello softies, here are the pics from the show where $$$ is well worth...









the rest can be found here at,
Will post the after show pics soon.


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