Dong Jing - A new band from Taiwan

Haha. Yeah their new album is solid man. The solo in ya guan i think is done by monster. haha. anw i will definitely be goin down to watch them. Their live performance simply cant be missed. Anw i think that they will stop by in shanghai for their Final Home concert. So look out for details. Anw their world tour will end with spore being their last stop on 10 december. Anyone interested?
Rockstars-Inc said:
Haha. Yeah their new album is solid man. The solo in ya guan i think is done by monster. haha. anw i will definitely be goin down to watch them. Their live performance simply cant be missed. Anw i think that they will stop by in shanghai for their Final Home concert. So look out for details. Anw their world tour will end with spore being their last stop on 10 december. Anyone interested?

ya...i feel like goin for their concert...but dunno about the price leh...who's goin??
mel80 said:
There are gigs around for chinese bands.

Yah Rockstars-Inc, both LGF and Rn are Chinese rock bands and we have both got gigs here and there. We even perform together twice, right Mel? :)

So don't be dishearten, rock on!!
NewGuy said:
Cos I won't be in Singapore... haiz... wonder will they perform in china... haha

r u going 2 china?!?....... kool, man....... there's lots of great bands there...... bands which r as good as the ah moh....... :lol:

1 of my fav is tang dynasty....... :wink:

Rockstars-Inc said:
Sigh. Another anti-mayday. Come on..mayday are a great band..

no worries, man....... :D

like i always like 2 say...... 1 man's food is another poison........ maybe bands like mayday is not my cup of tea lor....... :wink:

i prefer bands like tang dynasty....... :wink:

hey there might be a chi band union coming up , so if people playing chi songs in the band maybe can look forward to this

and come to think of the mayday thing, i suddenly remembered i have played the extended version of wenrou during gigs last time. its a nice arrangement.
yep there may also be a chinese rock fest coming up soon i think. but still not confirm i guess.. :twisted:

finding small gigs is not hard, tightening a song is even harder, and being in a band for yrs is the hardest.

many chi bands have popped up but died down thru the yrs also, which is sad. anyway hope to play with u guys someday. :lol:
Yeah...pls keep me updated on any gigs eh. Thanks dude.My band dying to gig. :twisted: HAHA

Yeah its difficult to keep the gang together. :?

Anw..yeah hope to able to perform with ya guys too. I visitied your webby. Shut up is not bad eh..haha..keep up the good work.
heh.. i like mayday too. any idea about the exact time they coming sg? i got the new album as well but apparently there are 2 versions. 1 is without the vcd.
justin_: It has been reported that mayday will be coming in October to promote their final home concert on DEC 10. Pls be assured there will be a live performance in oct. So do keep a look out. Anw, get the one with the vcd for the new album,this is because its the sgver. With tt, you will be able to attend the performance.
lalala said:
what an interesting name.. :lol:
got any website or anything about them? curious to hear their songs. 8)

lalala, this is their website:
they have samples inside...

not sure if it would appeal to metalheads, but they sure caught my attention the first time i heard it. sounds very refreshing yet soothing and radio-friendly. apparantly their current status still seems very "underground".

i'm having their full-length album 自然捲-這就是生活 aka C'est La Vie (2004.04.發行) cos a taiwanese fren "shared" it with me.

if u like it, i can "share" with u too...hehe