Who is Dollah Kassim???
If you know Lee Kuan Yew then you should know Dollah Kassim!
Dollah Kassim is to local football as Ritchie Blackmore is to guitar - the king of geintel - promounced as "gay-ain-tail"
Sweet as sweet is always is. Mesmerizing when it hit you - but better yet to watch.
DANG! Seriously yah folks, a week or so ago, I was asking myself why it is that not one of the local terrestial channels shows past Malaysia Cup matches??? And it's not only Dollah Kassim but Hasli, Rajagopal, Samad, Sundram, Fandi Kim Song, etc etc etc - dang! We had some very very very good players AND they were around not too long ago.
BTW, The Contender yesterday was great. Me RIKES my Thai bro to kick some shit outta that arse! DO IT!