Was juz thinking about this...
we all know how the les paul is associated with greats such as the Reverand Jimmy Page, good ol' Slash and another dude by the name of Joe Perry..
AND then...we have the strat fellas...namely; the man himself, Jimi Hendrix, Stevie Ray Vaughan...
i'm sure we are all guilty of aiming to buy a guitar that our hero uses..in the hope of emulating their styles..however, does it always seem that way?
does the guitar equate to the same style??
for instance...i have a strat copy...BUT i'm actually saving up for a les paul..then i wonder...what the f**k am i doing that for? I love the look of it...i have to admit...but then, would it really suit my style?
my major influences are those listed above..as you can see..i'm torn here...help me!!
sorry la guys for having to spew out this crap...having exam stress now..
we all know how the les paul is associated with greats such as the Reverand Jimmy Page, good ol' Slash and another dude by the name of Joe Perry..
AND then...we have the strat fellas...namely; the man himself, Jimi Hendrix, Stevie Ray Vaughan...
i'm sure we are all guilty of aiming to buy a guitar that our hero uses..in the hope of emulating their styles..however, does it always seem that way?
does the guitar equate to the same style??
for instance...i have a strat copy...BUT i'm actually saving up for a les paul..then i wonder...what the f**k am i doing that for? I love the look of it...i have to admit...but then, would it really suit my style?
my major influences are those listed above..as you can see..i'm torn here...help me!!
sorry la guys for having to spew out this crap...having exam stress now..