Does action of bass affect slapping?


New member
Hello all, I'm a guitarist turned bassist :oops: and I have a 2nd hand samick fairlane. And um, recently I tried slapping and I couldn't get the percussive sound you're supposed to get. So I'm guessing its becuase of the low action (previous owner). Because when I slap sometimes I think I hit the pickups thus getting a weird sound. Yeah, and I heard that if the action is too high slapping would be hard too. So I'm kinda confused. Haha. Anyone care to help me out? Thanks! :D
and i can honestly tell you..

i rilli rilli dunno..

hahaah..oh wad the heck.

Action of the bass definitely affects how you slap.

If your action is high enough to launch projectiles, you probably will have trouble slapping like Les Claypool or Mark King. The quality of the notes produced will also lack some definition. With hgh action, you also might not be able to get the characteristic growl of modern slapping.

On the other hand, if the action is too low, you lose some bottom end, and you will not have that much growl either, as the strings don't have that much space to vibrate before they start buzzing against the frets. Pops may sound a tad thin too.

It's hard to say what the ideal string height is, as it is still down to personal preference. The above is just my personal opinion of how action affects slapping.

Do feel free to correct me if I goofed up! We're all here to learn, innit?
to add on to rentabass's excellent points, do take note that how you slap is very important to.

The postion of your hand when you slap e.g. nearer to the neck or further away. Most people will tell u the correct way to slap is along the last fret or so but i would recommend you play around till you find a sound you like. Of course, dont slap near the bridge lah.. unless thats really your thing... hur hur hur...

Remeber that when you are just learning to slap, you might fail to flick your thumb away fast enough thus muting your string and not getting a desired slap sound.

Lastly, how accurately you slap on the strings also matter, practice hitting the strings individually and accurately.

Beyond just string height, technique is as important! :D Hope that help!
+1 to slapedelic!

Slapping on the last fret will yield a brighter sound. I personally prefer to slap just after the fretboard, where I'll get a chunkier sound.

Personal preference!
for noobs like me, it's easier to get a clean slap tone on the last fret.
whack too far up, no sound, too far down. no sound either.