Do you still need more new jam studios in Singapore???


Hi Strats
Not jumping on you but just would like to ask why do you need to play music loud? Personally I will tell the person to lower it down in a nice tone, if he doesnt listen then sorry dude, I gotta do what I gotta do.

But coming back, how much more would u pay for a good studio. I am looking at 30 per hour? Anything lesser it will take forever to cover back expense.
Re: studio

Darren said:
Hi Strats.

not really loud.. volume not even up to max, not even halfway for guitars lol.. but i think the screaming put the guy off(emocore+4screamers that day).. hell the band in the other room was playing even louder music(one of simple plan's song or something), so no idea y.. and 30 bucks per hour? wow.. thats really really way above market rate dude.. sure it might take time for you to cover the expenses but for 30 bucks/hour, doubt you can break even dude.. unless there are girls in bikinis running around serving us drinks :drinkers: :drinkers: :drinkers:

Die lor.....Hokkien have saying

Ai Chee Ai Pi kor ai Tua Diap lah?

M made so many good points, if the good studios cant survive, u will end up with nothing but containers to jam in.

Its hard to explain to you all the total amount it takes to run a studio. Every two months or so I can one cymbal breaker. Amp Maintenance is killer already boy. Dont mean to be rude but you have to be in our shoes to understand why I say 30 per hour. And its not me who quoted that price, believe it or not, its from some jammers.

Anyways, I believe we are way off the thread. Lets come back to it.

So ahem... do we need more jamming studios? Or do you dare to run a studio ? :wink:
IMO those studios which charge $15-20, although not equipped with the best equipment and environment, still provide a pleasurable jamming experience.
Sure, you can maintain the best studio in S'pore if you charge premium rates, but you gotta think if there'll be a demand by the common jammer-in-the-street.
In my personal capacity, I say that I will not get a $30/hr studio just because the equipment is top-grade.
Afterall, it's only jamming. Not a world-tour.

If you decide to down that path, your best bet would be to cater to pro musicians and working professionals, who are fussy about equipment and have spending power. You could then situate your studio in the CBD area. But think of the rent.
I think its more worth it to jam at cheaper places with decent equipment la. Ask any working band, or school kids on a budget. The rest are playing out of passion/hobby. I think anything about 20/hr for more than 3 hrs is extravagant.
There should be a jamming studio at every neighbourhood...West side only got 2 studios..which are alwaes full...Need a jamming studio in bukit batok area...
We already have quite a few decent jamming studios in the centralised areas here. So I don't think travelling distance should be a problem. Besides, S'pore isn't that big anyway. I wouldn't mind travelling a little bit to a good jamming studio :)
Location aint a big deal to me. Bt they should seriously make more studios like fourtones. Gd amplification, moderately gd equipments, friendly environment, BIG SPACE. And ofcoz price-wise i consider fourtones quite affordable man. $16 for those kinda rooms r gd enuff. I would pay $18 for such rms & if bigger & bttr i dont mind paying $25 per hr.
ya serious. i wouldn't mind paying lots for good equipment and good service.

btw darren, go ahead lah, open one around here in the east.. :D
Any studio owners is kind enough to share what is the average start up cost roughly needed to open a good studio? Whats is the maintenance cost like for the equipments in the studios.

Thanks guys for your generous suggestions and comments...Im sure there will be studios flourishing in the EASTERN side of singapore soon... after this thread....Keep your comments and suggestion coming in.
my gripe abt jam studios is the PA. Most studios are just content with 2 china-brand mics, connected to powered mixer which goes out to two cheap speakers resulting in bad vocal quality. It doesn't matter if u have the best drumset or amps...if the vocal/PA system suxs, the jamming experience will too.
what china brand mics? berhingers are good and cheap...

lol yeah the PA's are teh killa maan... the most expensive equipments in the studio for a acceptable range one...

the rest... aiya... ibanez, berhinger... what could go wrong?

maybe the trick is to get some hardy sturdy built brands... but then again... those are exp.

a proper jamming studio should be the kind in UK....the studios there are located in a specific are....and have everything musicians need....recordin equipment....mixers....and its all in one big room juz for u....u name it they have it...but of coz u pay for wad u get,....its 30 pounds per hour....haha....but it'll be gd if sg has such studios....n i tink the east side needs some ones...most of the studios in sg have sucky equipment....
M said:
Singaporeans are forever wanting lower prices. .

i dun think cheap mean sure NOT good........ 1 good example place is fourtones........ less den $20 per hr....... big room....... good amps n equipments....... n friendly ppl there........ :wink:
