What and how to edit midi events depend on the genre and the instrument/sound your midi is triggering.
I seldom open the midi event list unless I need to check something in detail. I would listen again and again to a particular phrase, then edit midi events note by note in the notation view on particular notes that I need changing. They are usually volume and duration editing. This is the most time consuming part since I would edit, play and listen, re-edit etc until it sounds right.
For expression, it's easiest to use the mod wheel. If I find expression (or cc11) needs editing, I would have to re-sequence again. And if it's really troublesome, I would sequence the note first without cc11. Then on top of that, record over the sequence only the cc11 so I can undo anytime just the cc11. That has pros and cons. Wind controller is another one I use. Editing it is not easy, so my wind controller is programmed first with all the cc controls I need for live recording. Then it's recording again and again until I get it.
For time changes (eg retard etc), I prefer the pencil tool. When I was using Logic, I really liked it. Now that I'm no longer using Logic, I really missed it.
Lastly, I hardly quantize at all. If I need to for any reason, I may have to edit that in the end to make it "less quantized".