Do you drink straight off the tap water when you are at home?


New member
Hi everybody, I want to hear your opinions regarding the perceived cleanliness of Singapore's tap water. I am curious as Singapore's water is clean and many people drink them from tap, but at the same time, the chlorine level is worrying to me. Do help me by answering the questions below;

1.) Do you boil your tap water before drinking them?

2.) Would you consider installing a water-purifying system at your own house to further protects your family & you from the adverse effects of chlorine?

3.) Do you think there's even a need for such machines in the first place, especially in Singapore? Or thb, do find them ridiculous? lol

4.) What are some of the water-purifying systems in the market do you already know? How much do these machines cost?

5.) Would you consider buying these products? Even if it goes up to.. hmm..let's say $2k?

6.) Do you know the difference from tap water and pure water? if you know the benefits of clean, oxygenated water that these machines can offer you - brighter skin and more efficient blood flow. etc., would you change your mind and buy them?

This issue actually is one of the topics I may choose to cover for my school assignment. As you can see, it's pretty big picture to talk about here and I have the limited knowledge in this aspect. Since I am unsure about covering this topic (but at the same time find this issue interesting), I thought maybe you guys can help me out? I mean some of you SOFTies are excellent in giving out your ideas and all. Thank you very much for the rendered assistance :)

P.S: I've got nothing to give you guys as a token of appreciation. but I think the generous (+1, for your reasonable answer) will at least mean something? :p
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1.) No


3.) Yes I find it ridiculous, its not like they put as much chlorine in there like they do in swimming pools, a little chlorine is necessary for clean water

4.) I don't know any brands or products that do this, singapore's water is clean, and safe to drink. In other developed countries you can do the same thing

5.) definitely not $2K, if there is anything that needs to be fixed it should be fixed at the source not at the home
Beer > Water

but to answer your questions

1. No

2. Yes

3. I don't think there is a need but people may prefer to have such a system in their homes. Singapore's tap water is safe to drink compared to our neighboring countries.

4. I used to own a filtration system in my old home and it costs a few hundred bucks a year to maintain.

5. I personally won't bother purchasing such things as i drink my water from the tap.

6. I've heard of such benefits but i feel that they are greatly exaggerated.
1.) No

2.) No (although there's one in my house installed by my parents, personally I wouldn't)

3.) Tap water here should be pretty safe, I've have been doing it for years. I don't think the purification systems are ridiculous, they are just not so applicable in the Singapore context.

4.) The one in my house is called Bacfree (or maybe its the name of the company that installed it, not sure). I'm also not sure of the cost but way below 2K. I haven't been home much over the past few years :p.

5.) The cost (2K) does not justify the very small benefit I may get from making clean, potable water even cleaner.

6.) Really? Unless there are papers published in peer-reviewed journals I would take such claims with a pinch of salt.
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1) yep, since my mom's the one boiling them :p
2) nope
3) nope
4) didnt really pay attention to any of these commercials, so dont know any
5) nope
6) being a science student, yep, but i wouldnt change my mind. not worth buying.
jiayou for ur assignment yo :)
1.) Do you boil your tap water before drinking them?
yes most of the time.

2.) Yeah sure why not :p

3.) Didn't they purify our water at the New Water plan?

4.) I have no idea dude.

5.) I WILL buy them only if there's 'Nuclear Apocalypses' or something equivalent

6.) Perhaps Perhaps Perhaps :D
1.) Do you boil your tap water before drinking them?


2.) Would you consider installing a water-purifying system at your own house to further protects your family & you from the adverse effects of chlorine?

Erm no

3.) Do you think there's even a need for such machines in the first place, especially in Singapore? Or thb, do find them ridiculous? lol

Ridiculous and waste of money

4.) What are some of the water-purifying systems in the market do you already know? How much do these machines cost?

I think at least 1k

5.) Would you consider buying these products? Even if it goes up to.. hmm..let's say $2k?

No way

6.) Do you know the difference from tap water and pure water? if you know the benefits of clean, oxygenated water that these machines can offer you - brighter skin and more efficient blood flow. etc., would you change your mind and buy them?

Nope, don't think they will make a difference to my health.
1.) My family does, but half the time I drink from the tap.

2.) No

3.) No need. Its good enough.

4.) We used to have this little water filter thing on the tap. Almost $100. It broke.

5.) Never. That is just ridiculous for something I might do perfectly well without.

6.) Even if I knew of such benefits, there are cheaper, proven and more effective ways to brighten skin and improve blood flow.
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1.) Do you boil your tap water before drinking them?


2.) Would you consider installing a water-purifying system at your own house to further protects your family & you from the adverse effects of chlorine?


3.) Do you think there's even a need for such machines in the first place, especially in Singapore? Or thb, do find them ridiculous? lol

No need.

4.) What are some of the water-purifying systems in the market do you already know? How much do these machines cost?

Diamond systems? No idea man.

5.) Would you consider buying these products? Even if it goes up to.. hmm..let's say $2k?

Haha, no.

6.) Do you know the difference from tap water and pure water? if you know the benefits of clean, oxygenated water that these machines can offer you - brighter skin and more efficient blood flow. etc., would you change your mind and buy them?

wow, the reviews seems great so far. thank you for the feedbacks. Some of them made sense although more elaborations preferred. but its good enough..

7.) Now how much would you expect to see the these machines would worth? (Let's say it really does wonders. i.e. made you fresher in the morning, lesser pimples, revitalize muscles and joints, Or rather, how much, in your most rational way, would you want to pay for such systems?

I mean don't crap about its $1 or $ :rolleyes:

Keep your answers in. We're both in a win-win situation here. I come up with many ways to complete my assignment last min huh.. sianz..

7.) Now how much would you expect to see the these machines would worth? (Let's say it really does wonders. i.e. made you fresher in the morning, lesser pimples, revitalize muscles and joints, Or rather, how much, in your most rational way, would you want to pay for such systems?

7) I'll be happy to pay 200 - 300 dollars for such technology :D

7.) Now how much would you expect to see the these machines would worth? (Let's say it really does wonders. i.e. made you fresher in the morning, lesser pimples, revitalize muscles and joints, Or rather, how much, in your most rational way, would you want to pay for such systems?

400 tops for installation.

Oh yeah, you might wanna consider the fact that some devices have filters that have to be changed every now and then. Hence, there is a periodic maintenance cost on the unit (i.e. long term cost).
1) Only when making hot drinks

2) I've yet to see any adverse effects of chlorine(except for maybe the chlorine gassing of the bosnians in the serb-bosnian war).. don't really think bout it

3) if you can prove to me that chlorine has adverse effects, then yeah it would be useful

4) Not sure of any

5) No

6) Water is water.
1.) Do you boil your tap water before drinking them?
When a hot beverage beckons

2.) Would you consider installing a water-purifying system at your own house to further protects your family & you from the adverse effects of chlorine?
No,my family were/are all water babies i.e. we grew up swimming in chlorinated pools& salt heavy sea& we're allright

3.) Do you think there's even a need for such machines in the first place, especially in Singapore? Or thb, do find them ridiculous? lol
There's always a 'need' for everything amongst the paranoid but wealthy

4.) What are some of the water-purifying systems in the market do you already know? How much do these machines cost?
I've seen some& drank from others, in the end, what comes out is still called pee

5.) Would you consider buying these products? Even if it goes up to.. hmm..let's say $2k?
No but I would gladly be a middle person if a large group of individuals or a huge corporation offers me the mentioned amount per head with a good commission involved

6.) Do you know the difference from tap water and pure water? if you know the benefits of clean, oxygenated water that these machines can offer you - brighter skin and more efficient blood flow. etc., would you change your mind and buy them?
Hmm...I've met beautiful people who drink heavily& professional sportsmen who smoke heavily. So my mind's made up. Plus, once I'm 6ft under, the worms ain't gonna go easier on me just cos my face is porcelain
1.) yes. I've fallen sick from drinking tap water before cos of the bacteria that accumulated AROUND the tap. P.S if it's kitchen tap, that includes dish washing soap which is pretty harmful.

2.) no. I'll just drink evian.

3.) if the family household drinks alot of water, cos we're more of a "softdrink" nation. Even guests come on over you don't give them "water".

4.) was it osim?

5.) I'd buy $2K of Evian without the maintenance cost and portable. and this is water that comes from the french alps.

6.) no. Boiled water for the win. I get brighter skin from staying out of the sun and "efficient blood flow" + the benefits of prolonged lifespan by looking at boobies (it was published in the news lol)

jokes aside i think you know that i'm more of a bottled drink guy , cos there's someone to sue if something goes wrong.
1.) Do you boil your tap water before drinking them?
Only for hot beverages.

2.) Would you consider installing a water-purifying system at your own house to further protects your family & you from the adverse effects of chlorine?
I already have one installed. I'm not sure of the price but we got it to get rid of the weird taste in the water (it's not a chlorine taste) and it works so far.

3.) Do you think there's even a need for such machines in the first place, especially in Singapore? Or thb, do find them ridiculous? lol
Most regular filters won't work for filtering out all viruses and bacteria. There is technology for that, but it is expensive, and it requires maintenance.

4.) What are some of the water-purifying systems in the market do you already know? How much do these machines cost?
I'm only aware of the one I'm using. I've studied filtration methods for water purification, but these are not for household use but for nationwide use (e.g. PUB, etc).

5.) Would you consider buying these products? Even if it goes up to.. hmm..let's say $2k?
I wouldn't pay that much. Our water is definitely quite clean already, and what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. :)

6.) Do you know the difference from tap water and pure water? if you know the benefits of clean, oxygenated water that these machines can offer you - brighter skin and more efficient blood flow. etc., would you change your mind and buy them?
I know the difference. However, things are fine the way they are, so I wouldn't want to change it, especially if it costs big bucks.
^ EugeneSmasher, you do know your stuffs! Thanks for all the info so far.

Yes, from what I found out, filtration systems did not and will not kill any bacteria, germs and viruses. That's why these water filtration machines are much less expensive - as they only remove sediments i.e. iron rusts..

The one that costs 1k plus comes with UV rays device equipped inside the machine to kill off the bacteria - But I think UV rays is equally harmful? Difficult point to debate it out
but at the same time, the chlorine level is worrying to me.

what is it about the level of chlorine that is worrying to you or anyone else for that matter? a quick look at the pub site shows levels of chemicals to be very safe. I think people undermine the amazing human body too much.