Djent(Meshuggah influenced) band looking for drummer! Got djent?! Progressive!


New member
Hi Drummers!
Would you be interested in playing progressive/experimental metal band? I am looking for drummers that has the dynamics and groove. My band is more of Meshuggah influence and yeah the thing people now called it as djent.
Our influences are bands like Meshuggah, Vildhjarta, Tesseract, Periphery and Textures (these are some of them)

Drum criteria : Basics, polyrythm, creativity and most importantly GROOVE.
We dont need a professional drummer to fill in but basically a drummer more of versatility, interest and commitment.

Abit about us? A full fronted 8 string band with enegetic hard hitting odd time attacks and a blend of melodious dreamy ambiences. Alongside with harsh growls to clean post rock like vocals.A Balance of both side of the music world and not overdoing.
Tea and Zen.

The Drummers that you should check out :
Thomas Haake (Meshuggah), Stef Broks(Textures), Matt Halpern(Periphery), Jamie Postones(TesseracT).

Here's our favourite cover song from the infamous band called Textures :
This is our current favourite cover song :)
If youre interested we have our originals and band info for you to check out!
Contact me @ 93493973
Looking forward :)