displaying of basses


New member
hi, i was wondering, usually people display their instrument at home, espically guitar and basses on a rock stand rather then keep it tight in the gig bag. i was wondering, is there any ways to maintain and keep the bass looking good and new? cuz all my basses tent to rust and the metal part become blurish greyish and dusty from the water vapour and so does the strings, knobs and tunning head turn to become greyish dusty and rusty. the wood body and fret boards also decompose as they become soft from the water vapour they absorb, becoming dark, soft and damage the linement.
save my bass plz :(
yar.. i mean like.. u noe the small area of the body absorb the vapour and become dark and soft and dent in.. making small holes cuz the whole body of my bass is made out of plywood or is it maple wood(i think.. i dunnoe.. i scuks at bass specification) witout actually any hard coating.. yamaha style..
kim-bass- said:
yar.. i mean like.. u noe the small area of the body absorb the vapour and become dark and soft and dent in.. making small holes cuz the whole body of my bass is made out of plywood or is it maple wood(i think.. i dunnoe.. i scuks at bass specification) witout actually any hard coating.. yamaha style..

goodness ... how you take care of your bass?

metal parts will naturally oxidize over time ... no matter how hard you polish them ... they will tend to turn a little dull due to time ...

wood wise .. how does water vapour get in? unless you are talking about the humidity ... i never had problems with my bass in the open ...
Use Autosol to clean or put it in ur bass bag or case is the best. I used to put it on stand and it oxidize and rust more quickly then on bag.
oh.. yar i live near the sea.. around west coast area.. wahaha.. and yar cause i display my bass on a rock guitar stand in my room... so, its like affected by the enviroment. juz like if u have a drumset at home, it expose to dust, vapour, heat and temperature and it starts to crack.thats what happen to most of the people who have drumset at home, juz like wad is happening to my bass.
so i was wondering is there anyway to maintain it. i think i should stop using yamaha and buy a fender or juz simple ibanze, thoese smooth and hard coated bodies. i think i'll get a fender, but i no cash :(. i'm a poor musician.
kim-bass- said:
so i was wondering is there anyway to maintain it. i think i should stop using yamaha and buy a fender or juz simple ibanze, thoese smooth and hard coated bodies. i think i'll get a fender, but i no cash :(. i'm a poor musician.

dude ... it's not the manufacturer's fault ... i bet if you get a fender or ibanez the same thing will happen. I'm using a Yamaha and it's standing up very well against the weather here in singapore.

here are some tips that you should take note of ...

1. don't place it under direct sunlight in your room or near the window where there's heat. bad for your bass.

2. don't play the bass after you washed your hands, wait for your hands to dry.

3. you sure your rockbag inside dry? try throwing in a thirsty hippo and see whether it works.

either than that basses are meant to be solid stuff. especially yamaha basses. really ... =)
erm... lazy folks can simply adhere to legend James Jameson's mantra: If it ain't dirty, it ain't got the funk....