Digital Guitar

nice sleek looking!

its pretty much a midi controller in familiar shape of guitar, can prolly use it trigger anything via midi other then for guitaring use
yeah , it looks like a guitar midi controller and 0wns a kaosspad in terms of flexibility. and very nice fusion with linux. I'm surprised guttaralpiss didn't post anything about this.
yeah , it looks like a guitar midi controller and 0wns a kaosspad in terms of flexibility. and very nice fusion with linux. I'm surprised guttaralpiss didn't post anything about this.

there been much activity from the linux side on music production software, plus the open source thingy which allow others to change and write their own code to be use with hardware, its prolly be fun for those who are into those kinda.
theres nothing techno or rock bout the hardware.

That thing is a piece of hardware that understand certain digital language meant for doing certain functions and actions. People can use it to run music related software with it to do music or control other things like lightings on stage, visuals if they want to.

a controller in the form of guitar, but not necessary doing only geetar task. It can be configured to do anything as long theres communication via those code/signal to do certain task.
if theres gadgets such as this, why we still wanna play guitar?

imho, people who embraces technology as part of music making and those who just play guitars usually dont cross path, both exist kinda in parallel, but seldom crossing path

still end of the day, its about what sort music one can come up with. The medium and the tools to do so, prolly wont be too big of concern as long one still can do music with what they have.

anyway, technology cant replace physical guitar and vice versa. For some, its just about whats comfortable to them for making music wheras for some, knowing whats available out there prolly inspires other ideas and ways to make music. Its all good.
heh, totally digitalised as shown here

on another note, heres something in shape of geetar as well and been around for a while. Its used for audio/visuals triggering/remixing in real time with his band..


the edge's incoporation of technology with his geetar playing is still in the context of the music with his band, rock music at its basis, done with guitar/bass/drum/keyboard. Its good music imho, but the technology aspect of it actually more in the production background then being part of their sound that drive their music. imho.

heres a dj, guitar player, circuit bender who prolly incoporate the geeky side of technology as part of the sound into his music as well as his own cd..
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what will happen to guitar strings and gadget company. does the consumer benefit from all this and how much it cost?:confused: and what is the live span?
nothing will prolly finish off the others, anything can co exist, depending on which market they serve. Anyway, if theres any deciding factor of which will survive, its the market/consumer. Theres is prolly no absolute truth now nor how it will be.
Nice looking...
But it is generating early nintendo music...

reminds me of Matthew Bellamy's (muse) guitar in some senses.



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