difference betwwen epiphone and gibson


New member
whats the difference betwwen epiphone and gibson..they make the same guitars but y are the epiphones cheaper?

just like Fender and squier right?
they're a "branch" of gibson that makes "exact" (in terms of look) copies of gibsons for ppl who cant afford to buy the ex gibbys......using cheaper materials and cheaper labour (korea/china)
but epiphone was a separate company in the 80s making copies of gibson, so gibson decided to buy over epiphone. same as squier

correct me if i'm wrong :D
tany's partly correct :D ...
i read at epiphones' webbie tt after epi's(founder of tt brand..real name epi) death,his family who inherited tt epiphone company..i think something happened amongst them n they sold it away in the end...man,i think most descendants of BIG companies dont really handle the family treasure well...

but hey,some guitarists out ther(e.g. the black-haired guitarist of my chemical romance) use epi[hone instead of gibson...
haha...in fact..both guitarists from MCR uses epiphone guitar...monster from Mayday also use epiphone guitar sometimes...
tany said:
but epiphone was a separate company in the 80s making copies of gibson, so gibson decided to buy over epiphone. same as squier

correct me if i'm wrong :D

You're right. I got the little book on Epi's history(and other stuff) when I bought my Epi SG. ;)
ah that's cool! i loves SGs but i love LPs more 8)

and many other smaller companies were bought over by larger companies, for example, Gretsch. read their history it's so interesting!