did you buy your bass in one of the shops in SG?

long live ishibashi indeed. yes if u want a particular color/make, do source for them online if it is within your means. only my first bass is bought 1st hand locally. :)
honestly, i wouldn't pay the prices the shops in SG demand. i guess i was lucky when i was getting my first bass: i got my Fender from ishibashi japan. my friend's dad who's a pilot flew it in for me, so no shipping charge too! i can safely say i paid less than half the price of the same bass in SG. so, go online if you're looking for gear. and, if need be, wait for the bi-annual Swee Lee 50% sale =)
if need be, wait for the bi-annual Swee Lee 50% sale =)

I wouldn't wait for the sale. I mean even on normal days, in general for sg shops, the stock is so crap on basses, I doubt when it comes to any sale you'll be able to find what you're looking for if you already have a model in mind.
Talkbass rules man.... especially when we have Vpost now... either that or grab second basses at reasonable prices when they come out in our forums.... after all, a nicely priced bass is about the same as ordering a slightly cheaper bass from say US or Jap and then paying shipping.
how were u able to bring it up on the plane back?

check in luggage? did you have o pay the airline extra?

Ishibashi bundled a Gibson hardcase with it. I checked it as baggage on the flight home on NWA. No extra charge.
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