did someone got featured

mattleesc said:
http://cyberita.asia1.com.sg/ :wink:

quote this 'GITAR elektrik pertamanya merupakan sebuah 'mainan' daripada ibunya yang membeli gitar tersebut kerana mahu anaknya itu duduk diam di rumah.' from the link above.

phil:u want a translation?i think it meant his mom bought him his 1st guitar'as a toy' to keep him at home?
indo n malay quite similar eh?but pardon me if i'm wrong..deteriorating bahasa indo is the price i pay for spending 9 yrs in sg..hehe...

btw wat does faham mean?
lol it means 'understand'

That's the only word i remeber out of malay classes because the whole class kept saying "tak faham" = "don't understand"

kakaka :D