Decided to get back into the electronic music world


New member
Used to just simply record synths directly to my PC . now interested in going the whole way . Gave up everything few months back to indulge in my other hobby ( cars . not cheap . cant support both ) . Really regretted it now looking to start afresh .

What equipment i have left over is a broken audiophile 2496 ( anyone know where to repair ? driver cant work for it . seems ot be hardware problem ) . If cant be repaired looking to get a new one. considering proteus X or miamidi ( Important to have the RCA out and IN as i already have a denon amplifier and some infinity speakers ). Possibly getting back my old synth ( alesis QS8 ) from my friends house and some software .

Need help deciding what software i should use . now im mainly interested in creating trance / other electronic music along that line . i have ableton live and reason adaptive which came with the 2496 and i have recently found a copy of acid pro 5 but have no idea how to use it ( never really knew how to use my reason or live too ) . I used to just use soundforge to record from my soundcard then cool edit to edit and arrange the tracks . also dabbled with fruity loops but needed the keyboard feel . clicking bars on a line really doesnt help u feel inspired .

All help greatly appreciated thanks a lot
ok. sony acid 5 is a good choice of tool for dance trance hiphop downtempo and all that.

you have a few options. korg esx is a good creation tool for it.
here's the link:

pity acid 5 can't record audio as of yet, and i'm not sure if you can patch the esx to it via midi, but you could rewire acid to your main recording sequencer and work it from there.

if you have any questions on acid 5, pm me. i'll try to help.
hi . what then would be a good recording software or soundcard ( or combi ) ? as im mainly looking for this feature . how do i connect my synth to my soundcard . previously i using 2 RCAs to an amp then from the amp 2 RCA out into the soundcard ( audiophile 2496 ) really troublesome and expensive . any better way to get good quality audio ?

so thats a sampler ? what does it do ? how do i connect it to my setup ?? wouldnt it be easier editing the sound samples using software ? i dun understand all these equipment

as u probably know . im a total idiot in relation to these matters so all help will be greatly appreciated !
in the first place, your synth should go RCA into soundcard, and from your soundcard RCA into the amp. the most direct signal is the best.

the normal hardware synths are essentially samplers. a special type - one where the samples are not user-changeable. when you press a key on the keyboard, a sound is played back. that's what a sampler essentially is. doesn't mean u play a C on the keyboard, you are restricted to playing back a sample of an organic instrument e.g piano sound, strings, organ etc. you can also use that C key to play back other things such as sound effects, or even drum loops; basically anything that can be recorded and stored as electronic data.

how to incorporate: the technical bit of it is simple. buy a sampler and some sounds and play with it. hardware samplers are losing their appeal nowadays. software samplers are much more powerful and convenient. then all you need is a midi keyboard, do some assigning of keys, and you're ready to go. Kontakt, manufactured by Native Instruments, is one such program. a good and powerful sampler with many programmable features and parameters.
you can try cubase also...i'm producing electronic music as well and i'm using both cubase and reason 3.0....and also...once you get your synth back you can use it as a midi keyboard as using VSTs on cubase won't be a problem....and you won't have to spend extra $$ buying something extra...
my main priority is will the programs be compatible with my soundcard ? as far as i know . i couldnt find a midi program compatible with my audiophile 2496 . could just only direct record through the line ins . how do i program what sounds my midi keys produce ? and record it in the same program ? is there any book to recommend that i can slowly read ?

this emulator X looks pretty good how does it compare with the other cards on the market ? notice it cost almost double an audiophile 2496 . i want to start right and not have to upgrade my equipment in the near future and waste more money . also not looking to suddenly jump into the deep end and drown .
Hi blackleaf,

>> as far as i know . i couldnt find a midi program compatible with my audiophile 2496 .
- I'm curious to find out what happened. This should not be an issue at all.

>> could just only direct record through the line ins .
- that is the function of the soundcard.
- you should be able to monitor the playback as well at the same time.
- are U refering to the fact that you could not record MIDI data?

>> how do i program what sounds my midi keys produce ?
- read the manual and experiment. (if you are refering to the QS8)

>> and record it in the same program ?
- why not? Do note that this might be a limitation of the program
- eg Reason (any version) is meant to be a self contained program.
- as such, it does not allow you to record audio data.

>> is there any book to recommend that i can slowly read ?
- you could pick up some of the music technology magazines.
- a good place to start would be
- you could even e-subscribe and read the latest issue without leaving the comfort of your room.

>> this emulator X looks pretty good how does it compare with the other cards on the market ?
- based on the EMU 1212m; probably the "best" soundcard under S$400. (the additional cost is for the software).
- converters are said to be on par with Pro Tools.

>> notice it cost almost double an audiophile 2496 . i want to start right and not have to upgrade my equipment in the near future and waste more money . also not looking to suddenly jump into the deep end and drown
- cost more mainly because of the quality of the card.
- do note that you get a EMU X software as well.
- Kontakt 2 software sampler costs >S$800 (WITHOUT soundcard).
hi . so the emu X cost under $400 and comes with Kontact 2 ? this may sound like a stupid question but it also functions as a normal soundcard for playing my games etc . right ?

i bought the midi cable from yamaha store in PS . connected to my keyboard and to the soundcard but couldnt make it work . either cant detect midi device etc. that was quite long ago i cant remember the specific problem . basically all the problems i have are my software not working with my hardware which was one of the reasons i left . is there any shop or what that comes to your place to setup your equipment for u ? im really a technical idiot and i cant stand wondering why this doesnt work with that

thanks for the magazine sites . will look into it . also whats a converter ?
Morning blackleaf

>> hi . so the emu X cost under $400 and comes with Kontact 2?
- no, the soundcard alone is <$400.
- The EMU X version (~$559) comes with the sampler software (EMU's own sampler software)
- Kontakt 2 ALONE costs > S$800.

>> this may sound like a stupid question but it also functions as a normal soundcard for playing my games etc . right ?
- yes. I'm using the low end EMU 0404 both for music and games.
- but it does not support some of the advance features of gaming cards eg EAX.

>> i bought the midi cable from yamaha store in PS . connected to my keyboard and to the soundcard but couldnt make it work . either cant detect midi device etc.
- there are many pitfalls
- connection must be correct (MIDI in always to MIDI out)
- midi port must be selected correctly in software.
- midi channels must be set correct

>> basically all the problems i have are my software not working with my hardware which was one of the reasons i left.
- this is quite impossible. Unless you have a bad cable or soundcard.

>> is there any shop or what that comes to your place to setup your equipment for u ? im really a technical idiot and i cant stand wondering why this doesnt work with that
- if you live in the east, I might be able you set up if all else fails.

>> also whats a converter?
- the device that converts analog soundwaves into digital data or vice versa, the most important function of a soundcard.
hi thanks for the recommendation . will look into this emu X . also what is a groove box ? the emu X comes with all the software i need ?

btw im comparing the 404 with the X with the proteus series . all look pretty much the same to me . why the massive difference in price ??
>> also what is a groove box ?
- concept that was started by Roland with the MC-303. (search for this on google)
- ROMpler geared for dance music.
- Combination of synth, drum machine, appregiator, sequencer in a box.
- Some find it restrictive as the sounds and drums are geared for dance/electronic music.

>> the emu X comes with all the software i need ?
- not too sure.
- It will come with a VSTi sampler that allows you use your computer as a sampler.
- It will also come with a sound library.
- It may come with a basic sequencer (Cubasis VST or Cubase LE).
- Try emailing EMU or Creative to find out what is bundled.

>> btw im comparing the 404 with the X with the proteus series . all look pretty much the same to me . why the massive difference in price ??

0404 - soundcard only

Proteus X - 0404 soundcard + Proteus Sample Playback software (you cannot assign your own samples in the program; you can however alter the on board sounds) - think of it as a ROMpler synthesizer like your QS8.
* you can convert AKAI sample CDs for use in Proteus X (amongst other format)

EMULATOR X system - 1212m soundcard + EMU X software (allows you to assign your own samples in the program). Think of it as the software equivalent of a hardware sampler.

The software and the quality of the audio converters accounts for the difference in prices.

Note: you can use
EMU 1212m with either the Proteus or Emulator software
BUT you can only use the Proteus software with the 0404.
i c . thanks for the info . ive been reading the comparison between the 2 . i guess i will go with the emu X . Also for a midi controller . can i just get any low end keyboards with a midi cable slot since it will just be used purely as a midi controller only ? what about the creative blasterkeys series ?
You cannot use the Blasterkeys series because
1) you need to install a soundblaster card to use it.
2) EMU soundcards ARE NOT compatible with the soundblaster cards (ie the 2 drivers will clash - please uninstall all soundblaster software before installing your new EMU card).

You can use any midi controller. Since you are not too sure about midi connections, chose a USB controller
eg M-audio MK-425, Oxygene series
Alesis Photon series
EMU Xboard series (check with the creative shop for availability)
hi found this controller surfaces thing ? it work same as a keyboard ? which would be better ? any differences other than the obvious ?

got my list setup :

Emulator X
M-Audio Radium49 Controller

have these softwares

Acid pro 5
Soundforge 8.0b
Adobe Audition ( still my favourite sound editor )
Fruity loops studio 5

this should be all i need right ? anything else ?

also ive got a Denon amp ( dunno what model ) and Infinity 360 speakers connected to it . these are suitable right ? to connect to the Emulator X via RCA cables ?

One last question how do i connect the stuff . eg. the sequence of connection and which thing goes where ? might wanna consider reason 3.0 as well? works pretty and it can be rewired to cubase....just a suggestion...
blackleaf said:
hi found this controller surfaces thing ?

Should be good enough for a start.
The only MIDID connection is a single USB cable. This should not pose too much of a problem.
As for the audio just connect the amp and the soundcard.

You do need to select the correct midi controller in your programs.

Try to see if you can use Reason Adapted with the EMU card.
There is no need to rush into Reason 3 as it is a more complex version and costs >$700 just for the program.

You may wish to try some free VST synths.
You could get them from (do a search for free synth)

Here's one which I recommend :

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