Tks Videos Are Up!
Before anything , we would like to thank Naomi for helping us be so patient with the video cam.She shot the whole thing for us .How sweet rite.. tell me bout it. And EXE for letting us play at DEAFCON . This event has one of the best crowds and planning done to it..
So for all those who missed the gig or those who want to remnicse about the Thambi K Seaow Performance on the 23rd . This video is to all you crazy fans.
Hearfelt love to those infront of the stage,Thiranni that crazy preist who lived with our shrap-shooter(YOU ROCK!) aswell as those crazy ppl at the back chearing us on .. we love you ..
P.S : I (shyam raj) would be on a radio interview with Lush 99.5fm at about 5pm++ tom (friday) so do tune in. I will be interviewed abt my journey thru music and my band Withered Tree and All my projects as well as the local sceane.. la!!
Anyway here are the videos loves.. do add some love and comments and do add yourself on our myspace - Thambi-K-Siaow - SG - Southern Rock / Classic Rock / Comedy - .coz we will be doing some crazy things on this website. So be part of the THAMBI-K-SEAOW FAN CLUB ARMY yeah..And be patient for some updates. Promise.
videos are in 5 parts ..
here they are in order.
YouTube - Thambi K Seaow Live .Deafcon (part1/5)
YouTube - Thambi K Seaow Live .Deafcon (part2/5)
YouTube - Thambi K Seaow Live .Deafcon (part3/5)
YouTube - Thambi K Seaow Live .Deafcon (part4/5)
YouTube - Thambi K Seaow Live .Deafcon (part5/5)
if any of you want the DVD you could order it from me.. it has the pre party and thambi-k-seaow goes to town...
peace out and LOVE!TKS LOVES U!
our genre is : SINGAPURA ROCK.