dead simple 5-string bass


New member
does anyone know if a bass fitting the following criteria exists?

  • 5 strings
  • Budget $1000, +/-$200
  • Volume and tone control, no more (ie passive, also best if it's just a killswitch)
  • ONLY one pickup, but seeing as to how simple I want my controls I believe they will come together
  • 24 frets
I am not brand conscious; you find me a TGM that doesn't have ridiculously high action and plays well, I will gladly buy it. the only bass that comes close to the above is the 5-string warwick streamer standard hanging around the cashier at swee lee, but I'm quite sure that's out of budget. admittedly I didn't bother to enquire about a price.
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the warwick streamer is nice, just ask for it. and its better than the tgm.

the dead sledgehammer might work out for u as well or a musicman. but u can;t ran form the eq/pre-amp that comes with it.
i assume you meant DEAN sledgehammer ;p and yes i think i will just ask about the streamer nicely. i have no problems (koff, money, koff) owning a second streamer because i like my 4-stringer very, very much.

will take note of your suggestions anyway, thanks!
to anyone who might be interested but never asked about the 5-string Warwick Streamer Standard hanging behind the cashier at Swee Lee Bras Basah, the fellas there say that the truss rod cannot be adjusted no more. ):