Dead note?


New member
ok, recently, i have a problem with my fretboard
when i play the first string (thin E) on the 4th fret, it wont sound at all, all it's gonna do is buzz and that's it, 3rd and 5th frets are fine..
so i wonder what could i do to change this? re-fretting?
Possible problems:

1. neck warp
2. action too low
3. Worn frets
4. neck twist.

1/2 - easily solved, bring to guitar tech or DIY. Simple truss rod adjustment/raising of bridge
3 - not so easily solved, bring to guitar tech for fret dressing/refretting (I don't do that though, it's tedious, most people charge 100-200 for stuff like that)
4 - Whee, you're f*cked.
I think one of the frets higher than the 4th frets might have sightly popped out , send your guitar to a tech. This is not called a dead note, dead note is when a note sustains less than other notes due to resonant frequency, not fret buzz.