Dead new in the world of guitar!


New member
Hey people,

I've only just been introduced to the world of guitar 2 or so weeks ago. I have to say it is something I'd like to stick with. My friend (who is giving me lessons, introduced the guitar, and SOFT to me) plays the electric guitar and the acoustic one, that was what got me hooked. So I dug out my guitar.. An embarassing 15+ year old Morris guitar which is ALSO out of tune! It has steel strings (Dunno is this is important o.O) and is 12 stringed (ALSO dunno if important u.u"). I really want to get a new one but my old one seems fine alas for the strings being a tad bit rusty and tuners which need pliers (repeat: PLIERS.) to move. I have no idea how to tune it, whether to get a new one if needed, where to get a new one, where to get all the assescories and what are the different models!! And is it advisable to start on electric immedietly or to practise with the acoustic one first?


P.S. Got budget one hor! ($800?)
I'd suggest getting a starter pack -those that come with a small amp and guitar and other accessories- actually. Cause IMO with the guitar you're having now, you'd prolly need change of tuners plus setup and whole other things and that might add up to having a brand new guitar.

Also if you were to go out and get a cheap acoustic, it might make you stop playing at all cause the action of the guitar might be mountain high and just irritates you to continue learning, unless of cause you get a decent acoustic.

The cons is, if you get a decent acoustic ($200+) at the end of the day you'd want to play an electric. So just get a starter pack ($200+ as well?) and start rocking.
or you can get 2nd hand sets here on soft.. look out for them, most are better then starter packs which u buy from shops.. but do get your friend's advice on some. yep.
IMO, $800 can get you a good deal in terms of guitar + amp.

if you think you would be investing in upgrades in time to come, do start off with used wares/ starter packs as suggested in the previous posts. however, if you are getting used goods, be wary of the items being offered, best to get someone in the know to help you deal. you can always share your intended acquisitions here for scrutiny 8)

pertaining to starter packs, if you can try some of these before buying, it'd be good. some people can't get to terms with such entry-level units because IMO their expectaitons are too high.
Get $550 worth of pedals.
A $150 tgm guitar
A $50 el cheapo 10watt amp

Pardon me but that's really bad advice.

You should spend your money on the best possible guitar you can get and a decent amp.

Pedals can come later.
Well.....there ARE people in this forum who think their tonal nirvana is in $200 solid state Marshall, $800 Ibanez and $3000++ pedalboard worth of pedals. Logically priceless. :lol:
Well.....there ARE people in this forum who think their tonal nirvana is in $200 solid state Marshall, $800 Ibanez and $3000++ pedalboard worth of pedals. Logically priceless.

SHEEEET.. No wonder I've been having tone problems... I play thru only a maximum of 3 pedals and many guitars that cost more than $2k. :lol:

Better go buy a cheap Ibanez and more pedals... :roll:
Heh..........anyway, back to the threadstarter's question. I think that for $800 u can either get

1. A very gd acoustic
2. A gd electric+amp

P.S Gd is relative in these choices

It depends on whether u want 2 venture into rock and all those 'cool' electric guitar efx 1st, or u want 2 stabilize urself and learn the basics 1st.